What's Next for the VAST Platform?

VAST Platform 2026 (15.0.0)
Features planned for inclusion in VAST 2026 coming soon!
Possible Features for Future Releases
Many of the below items were collected from the previous Instantiations survey, but if you were unable to participate or if a feature you want is missing, please contact using theVAST Support Portal.
Language & Runtime
- Native Apple M1/Intel and macOS Support
- Support for new processor architectures like RISC-V
Core Libraries
- Further Unicode integration (work in progress...)
Development Tools
- Remote ENVY (Library) Access
- Enhanced remote debugging support for runtime images
- Updated code change detection and merge engine
User Interface & Visuals
- GTK for Linux (work in progress...)
- Updated GUI icons for the VAST IDE
Communications & Web Dev
- Websockets
- gRPC and HTTP/2
- Improved REST framework (with native SST classes)
- LSP support for connecting VAST to other dev environments like VS code
- JOSE and JSON web tokens
- Authorization/Authentication support (i.e. OAuth2.0, OpenID)
- LDAP/LDAPS integration with Server Smalltalk
- MySQL/MariaDB Support
- NoSQL Support
- Let us know what you'd like to see!
Version Control
- Further Git functionality in VAST environment
- Packager enhancements to simplify deployment
Additional Libraries
- Let us know what you'd like to see!