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Support Plans

When you purchase VAST, you're not just purchasing software, you're purchasing access to Instantiations' engineering team.

Support Plans are Critical to Long-Term Success

Before the year of support included with a purchase of the VAST Platform (VA Smalltalk) lapses, we recommend purchasing a yearly support plan license. It helps ensure that your mission-critical systems are kept up-to-date and running smoothly. 

Continuous software updates and technical support provide:

  • A team of engineers dedicated to solving your technical issues with VAST
  • Continued functionality when major operating system updates are released
  • Security frameworks that are maintained to adhere to ever-changing standards
  • Updated features to streamline your development
  • New technologies to add functionality to your applications
  • New architecture releases (like ARM) for cross-platform deployment flexibility
According to our customer support surveys over the past 10 years[1] —
100 percent graphic
met expectations
73 percent graphic
Your support team is world class! Efficient, knowledgeable, professional, on target, etc... the list goes on and on!
Laura Yen
Senior Technical Analyst, Chubb
"It would be hard to improve on a flawless experience. The responsiveness of the support team is always amazing. It makes me feel as if I was their only client."
Robert Long
Senior Software Engineer, Trintech Inc.
"Their responses were consistently on time, and I'm really appreciative of their willingness to extend help (i.e. volunteering to do the debugging) just to get me back on track."
Mervy Aclan
Senior Developer, Sandstone Technology

Plan Comparison

We offer 'Standard' and 'Premier' plans to suit the diverse needs of our customers.

Engineer-Staffed Technical Support There's no outsourced support at Instantiations. Get email-based support directly from the engineers developing and maintaining VAST.
Software Updates Major version updates, new features, and bug fixes
Early Customer Access Program (ECAP) Access pre-release versions of VAST: Check out new features and provide feedback before the next release
Automatic Support Queue Elevation ?
3rd Party Technical Support ?
Discounted Rates for Custom Development and Consulting & Training
Support CoverageMonday through Friday 9am to 6pm, US eastern timeExpanded Days/Hours [2]
Plan Pricing$2535 renewal per year [3]Call or Email for Pricing
[1] Results of customer support surveys taken from September 2013 through January 2024.

[2] Scope of expanded days/hours is customized for each customer account and is subject to support engineer availability. Call or email for details.

[3]  This price requires an active Support Plan. The number of active Support Plan licenses must match the number of developers using the VAST Platform software. Only one Support Plan type per account is permitted. Support Plans that have lapsed by up to 30 days carry a 75% surcharge. Support Plans that have lapsed by more than 30 days require the purchase of a new license of VAST. Support offerings and pricing are subject to change.

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