Class hierarchy | Responsibility |
CwWidget | Defines common behavior for all widgets |
.CwBasicWidget | Defines common behavior for widgets implemented directly by the platform |
..CwPrimitive | Defines common behavior for widgets that do not have children |
…CwArrowButton | Displays an arrow button |
.. CwComboBox | Combines a list and text area to provide a prompted entry field |
…CwLabel | Displays a static label that can be a string, pixmap, or icon |
....CwCascadeButton | Used as part of a menu system to trigger submenus |
....CwDrawnButton | Displays a button drawn by the application |
....CwPushButton | Displays a push button containing a string, pixmap, or icon |
....CwToggleButton | Displays a button that has on and off state such as a radio or check button |
…CwList | Displays a list of strings from which one or more can be selected |
…CwScrollBar | Displays a vertical or horizontal scroll bar |
.. .wSeparator | Displays a separator line, normally between menu items |
...CwText | Displays and provides editing capability for text |
Class hierarchy | Responsibility |
CwWidget | Defines common behavior for all widgets |
..CwBasicWidget | Defines common behavior for widgets implemented directly by the platform |
..CwComposite | Defines common behavior for widgets that contain child widgets |
…CwBulletinBoard | Allows application-defined child widget positioning |
....CwCompositeBox | Defines common behavior for CwMessageBox and CwSelectionBox |
.....CwMessageBox | Provides a notification message, icon, and OK, Cancel, and Help buttons |
.....CwSelectionBox | Provides a list of items to select, a text box showing the selection, and OK, Cancel, Apply, and Help buttons |
....CwForm | Provides a constraint-based mechanism for laying out child widgets |
…CwDrawingArea | Performs no child layout and provides an area for performing graphic operations |
…CwFrame | Provides an optionally labeled frame around its single child widget |
…CwRowColumn | Provides a mechanism for laying out child widgets in rows or columns |
…CwScale | Displays a numeric scale with a position indicator |
…CwScrolledWindow | Allows a child widget to be scrolled using scrollbars |
....CwMainWindow | Provides layout management for a menu bar and optionally scrollable work area |
Class hierarchy | Responsibility |
CwWidget | Defines common behavior for all widgets |
.CwBasicWidget | Defines common behavior for widgets implemented directly by the platform |
..CwShell | Defines common behavior for the top-level widgets of windows and dialogs |
...CwOverrideShell | A pop-up window that bypasses window management, and normally appears on top of all other widgets |
...CwWMShell | Defines common behavior for shell widgets that do not bypass window management |
....CwTopLevelShell | Provides a normal window with standard appearance and decorations |
....CwTransientShell | A pop-up dialog window that does not bypass window management |
.....CwDialogShell | A pop-up window used to implement modal and modeless dialog windows |