Extensions to platform function protocols
There are different calling conventions for making asynchronous calls, depending on whether they are standard asynchronous calls, resource future calls, or static future calls.
Instance methods: standard asynchronous
asyncCall, asyncCallWith:, asyncCallWith:with:, asyncCallWith:with:...with:
Call the receiver with the given parameters. The maximum number of parameters is 32. Block the current process until the call is completed. Answer the result of the call. If the return type is void, answer the receiver. If the receiver cannot be bound or an argument cannot be converted, a walkback occurs.
asyncCallWithArguments: anArray, asyncCallWithArguments: anArray stackSize: aStackSize
Call the receiver with the given parameters. The maximum number of parameters is 32. If aStackSize is requested, use a thread with the specified number of bytes. Block the current process until the call is completed. Answer the result of the call. If the return type is void, answer the receiver. If the receiver cannot be bound or a parameter cannot be converted, a walkback occurs.
Instance methods: resource future
futureCall, futureCallWith:, futureCallWith:with:, futureCallWith:...with:...with:
Call the receiver with the given parameters. The maximum number of parameters is 32. Answer an AcoResourceFuture. The current process continues to run. To obtain the return value, ask the AcoResourceFuture for its value. If the receiver cannot be bound or a parameter cannot be converted, a walkback occurs.
futureCallWithArguments: anArray futureCallWithArguments: anArray stackSize: anIntegerStackSize
Call the receiver with the given parameters. If aStackSize is requested, use a thread with the specified number of bytes. The maximum number of parameters is 32. Answer an AcoResourceFuture. The current process continues to run. To obtain the return value, ask the AcoResourceFuture for its value. If the receiver cannot be bound or a parameter cannot be converted, a walkback occurs.
Instance methods: static future
staticFutureCall: anAcoStaticFuture staticFutureCall: anAcoStaticFuture with: parm1 staticFutureCall: anAcoStaticFuture with: parm1 with: parm2 staticFutureCall: aAcoStaticFuture with: parm1...with: parmN...with: parm16 staticFutureCall: future withArguments: anArray
Call the receiver with the given parameters. the maximum number of parameters is 32. Answer the parameter anAcoStaticFuture. The current process continues to run. To obtain the return value ask anAcoStaticFuture the for its value. If anAcoStaticFuture is not a type of AcoStaticFuture or has lost its resources, answer an AcoError. If the receiver cannot be bound or a parameter cannot be converted, a walkback occurs.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015