ACO resource manager protocols
Class methods: resource control protocols
Answer the maximum number of resources that can be cached.
Set the maximum number of resources that can be cached.
Answer the default resource manager for the system.
Answer the default stack size of the thread.
Set the default stack size (in bytes) of the thread.
Answer the default thread priority.
Set the default thread priority.
Answer the number of futures to be reclaimed when the image next starts up. A reclaimed future is added back into the AcoResourceManager. If this value is nil, all possible futures are added. Futures that are not reclaimed remain in fixed memory until they are collected during garbage collection the next time the image starts up.
Set the number of futures to be reclaimed when the image next starts up. A reclaimed future is added back into the AcoResourceManager. If this value is nil, all possible futures are added. Futures that are not reclaimed remain in fixed memory until they are collected during garbage collection the next time the image starts up.
Answer the maximum number of resources that can be created. If this value is nil, the resources are limited by the fixed-space size and number of threads available from the operating system.
Set the maximum number of resources that can be created. If this value is nil, the resources are limited by the fixed-space size and number of threads available from the operating system.
Instance methods: static resource management protocols
Answer a static future that maintains its resources during each call. Answer nil if failed to create a complete future because of lack of resources.
Answer a static future with the specified stack size that maintains its resources during each call. Answer nil if failed to create a complete future because of lack of resources.
Answer the static future if resources can be acquired, nil otherwise. Discard the resources that the static future is currently using and reinitialize it with new resources. Use this method to reinitialize only static futures that are needed after an image is exited and restarted because Smalltalk discards the current resource.
returnStaticFuture: aFuture
Used to return a static future to the resource pool. Answer an AcoError if the static resources cannot be returned to the pool; answer self otherwise.
lockThreadIn: aBlock
Evaluate all the asynchronous calls in the block aBlock using the same thread. Answer the result of the block.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015