Report Calculated Field
Use the Report Calculated Field

part to display the result of calculations performed on numeric contents of other parts.
The following are examples of how you can use the Report Calculated Field part:
•Count the number of objects in an iterator
•Total the values of a SALARY column in a database
•Calculate the average value of a COMMISSION column
•Calculate the lowest value in a YEARS column
•Calculate the highest value in an ID column
•Display the current value of a text field with numeric data
You use the Report Calculated Field part, as follows:
1. Drop it on a report line and connect the text field's formatted event to the Report Calculated Field's countObject action.
2. Use the settings of the Report Calculated Field to set the calculation to be performed on the data. The default calculation is count.
The Report Calculated Field also has an action named reset to allow connection from events to trigger the Report Calculated Field to be set to zero.
If you generate report parts using the Quick Report menu item on the pop-up menu of a part, a Report Calculated Field is created for each text field containing numeric data.
Class Name: AbtReportCalculatedField
Last modified date: 08/17/2018