Invocation handler callbacks
Invocation handlers and dispatchers also provide the following callbacks related to significant invocation events.
Sent when an invocation handler is about to dispatch a received reply to its rightful receiver. The callData is the reply about to be processed.
Sent when an invocation handler is about to dispatch a received request to its rightful receiver. The callData is the request about to be processed.
Sent when an invocation handler has received a request tagged with data indicating that this is the first request the sender has sent to the receiving object's space through the endpoint used. This data is typically some information about the sending object space and is stored in the request's info slots under the key SstFirstContactInfoKey. The callData will contain the request about to be processed.
Sent when an invocation handler has detected a request being sent to a remote object space for the first time through the handler's endpoint. A typical action would be to tag the outgoing request with information about the local space in the request's SstFirstContactInfoKey info slot. The callData will contain the request about to be sent.
Sent when an invocation handler is about to send a reply to a remote space. The callData will contain a two-element array where the first element is the reply being sent and the second is the original request to which this is a reply.
Sent when an invocation handler is about to send a request to a remote space. The callData will contain a two-element array where the first element is the request being sent and the second is the endpoint to which it will be sent.
The ordering of callbacks associated with peer-to-peer messaging is important to understand. The ordering is a consequence of the interactions between the components of the invocation handler and the object space. The object space callbacks involved are SstExportCallback and SstImportCallback.
If a request message is sent involving newly exported objects to a peer for which these objects are also new imports, and this message is the first outgoing message from the sender and the first incoming message to the receiver, the following callbacks are generated in order:
1. At the request sender: SstFirstOutgoingCallback (once), SstSendRequestCallback (once), SstExportCallback (for each new export)
2. At the request receiver: SstImportCallback (for each new import), SstFirstIncomingCallback (once) and SstDispatchRequestCallback (once).
If a reply is generated, which also involves new exports and imports, the callback order is as follows:
1. At the reply sender, SstSendReplyCallback (once), SstExportCallback (for each new export)
2. At the reply receiver, SstImportCallback (for each new import), SstDispatchReplyCallback (once).
Last modified date: 01/29/2015