ENVY/QA User Guide : Code Metrics : Selecting Which Metrics to Run
Selecting Which Metrics to Run
When you are familiar with the different types of metrics, you may find that some metrics are more useful than others at different stages of development. In such cases, you may want to run only some of the metrics.
You can select specific metrics in the Code Metrics Settings dialog shown below.
C:\Users\solveig\Documents\Instantiations\ePubTools\VAS Documentation Word\images\eqa\fig6.png
Figure 6 - Code Metrics Settings dialog.
The Code Metrics Settings dialog groups metrics into the categories shown in the following table.
overall complexity of a code element—such as, cyclomatic complexity and Lorenz method complexity
coupling and dependencies between code elements—such as, class coupling and the number of dependent applications
components of a code element—such as, the defined or extended classes of an application
class inheritance—such as, the total number of methods and depth of hierarchy
public interface of a class—such as, the ratio of public to private methods
size of code elements—such as, the number of statements in a method and the memory size of a class
Table 12 — Metrics groupings.
To select specific metrics:
1. In the Code Metrics Options dialog, select Settings..., or from the Transcript, select Tool Settings > Metrics....
2. Select a category in the left list.
The list on the right shows check boxes for each metric in that category.
3. 3. Do one of the following:
Desired result
enable all metrics in a category
click All
disable all metrics in a category
click None
enable or disable specific metrics
click individual check boxes
reset to their default values all metrics in allcategories
click Reset All
Table 13 — Enabling metrics.
4. Click OK to accept the selected metrics or Cancel to abort the selection.
Last modified date: 05/19/2020