Server Smalltalk Guide : Remote object model : Addressing objects with naming interfaces
Addressing objects with naming interfaces
While you can use the naming service described above directly, SST also provides a mechanism for name manipulation through URLs. This is similar to the mechanisms found in Java RMI and Java JNDI. The general form of a naming URL is the following:
namingService is replaced with one of rmi, sstName, or cosName, depending on the naming service you want to use.
Given a naming URL, you ask the relevant application context for its naming interface object. For example, the following code gives the naming interface objects for RMI, SST, and COS naming services:
<application context> rmiNaming
<application context> naming
<application context> cosNaming
Once you have the naming interface object, you can directly manipulate names and values using the naming URLs and the naming interface API. This API is like that of the naming services. The naming interface determines which naming service, protocols, and operations to use to carry out the desired operation.
For example, the following code looks up the name CoolServer in the SST naming service running on the machine at port 4567:
<application context> naming resolve: 'sstName://'
Read the comments in the API methods of SstRmiNaming, SstNamingInterface, and SstCosNamingInterface for details on the operations available and their required arguments.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015