Connective transports
For connective transports, which maintain actual connections, SST defines two well understood behaviors: client and server. Their difference lies in how new connections are obtained. Server behavior allows both active solicitation and initiation of new connections with other endpoints. Client behavior allows only the initiation of new connections. Thus, two endpoints with client transport behavior will not be able to communicate with one another.
In the TCP world, for example, a server transport would have a listening socket waiting for incoming connect operations. A client TCP transport does not have a listening socket as it has no requirement to facilitate incoming connections. All transports which are not client transports are assumed to support server transport behavior.
Connective transports provide the following callbacks:
Sent when a transport has successfully connected to a remote peer. The owner given in the callback will be the local endpoint for which the connection was created, while the callData will be the remote endpoint to which the connection was created.
Sent when the connection between a local and remote transport is closed either on request or due to some error. The owner will be the local endpoint, while the callData will be the remote endpoint to which the connection was connected. If the transport supports connection management, this event will not occur when connections are closed for reuse.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015