Copying files
In addition to the application files and the libraries that you exported, you will probably have other files that are included on your diskettes. Be certain to include your resource DLLs, help files, online documentation, and any other files that your parts require when they are installed.
Resource files may take the form of shared libraries. On windows, this is a Dynamic Linked Library (DLL extension). On Linux, the shared library has a SO extension.
Help may be provided in a Windows HLP file.
Externalized strings can be placed in MPR files. See National Language Support for more information about these files.
Use the following table to decide which directories your files are copied into on the customer's system. You might not use all the file extensions that are listed below. In each example, varoot represents the local directory where VAST is installed. Refer to materials on installing VAST in the Installation Guide if you need more information about these directories.
VAST (Windows platforms)
VAST (UNIX platforms)
shared libraries
Last modified date: 02/16/2021