Accessing external functions
In this section, you will learn how to use the VA Smalltalk parts for accessing external functions and programs. Parts for accessing C and COBOL functions and programs are included in VA Smalltalk.
You will also learn how to access external functions from scripts that do not have VA Smalltalk dependencies and can be used in both VA Smalltalk and non-VA Smalltalk applications.
The VA Smalltalk parts related to external functions and programs are:

External Functions category
Program Starter Provides access to any program
C External Function Provides access to external C functions in dynamic link libraries
COBOL External Function Provides access to external COBOL procedures in dynamic link libraries
DDE Server Provides Dynamic Data Exchange server capabilities that allow data to be exchanged with other applications
DDE Client Provides Dynamic Data Exchange client capabilities that allow data to be exchanged with other applications
Last modified date: 06/11/2018