Running a query
There are several ways to run a database query. One way is to run the query when your window opens:
1. Connect the window's aboutToOpenWidget event to the multi-row query part's executeQuery action. This runs the query and fills in the results just before the window opens.
If you have packeting enabled, use the openedWidget event to trigger the query. The result table will be filled in just after the window opens.
2. Now test your visual part by selecting

3. Play with this window to see how the query you have defined is run and how its result table is displayed.
a. Try selecting a cell in a column that you selected for update and one that is read-only. Notice how selecting a read-only cell is different from selecting a cell for update.
b. When you select a row, the department number for the row appears in the Department number field.
c. Experiment with scrolling through the rows with the vertical scroll bar and scrolling through columns with the horizontal scroll bar.
4. Be sure to close the window when you are finished testing your part.
Last modified date: 06/01/2018