activateCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the ArrowButton is activated. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
armCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the receiver is armed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
arrowDirection: | CSG | XmARROWUP | Sets the arrow direction. |
disarmCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the receiver is disarmed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
CwBasicWidget inherits resource and callback methods from classCwWidget. Consult the resource tables of this class for more information. |
autoUnmanage: | CG | true | Controls whether or not BulletinBoard is automatically unmanaged after a button is activated. |
buttonFontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list used for BulletinBoard's button children (PushButtons, ToggleButtons). |
cancelButton: | SG | nil | Specifies the widget that is the Cancel button. |
defaultButton: | SG | nil | Specifies the widget that is the default button. |
defaultPosition: | CSG | nil | Controls whether or not BulletinBoard is automatically positioned by its parent. |
dialogStyle: | CSG | dynamic | Indicates the dialog style associated with BulletinBoard. |
dialogTitle: | CSG | nil | Specifies the dialog title. |
labelFontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list used for BulletinBoard's Label children (Labels). |
mapCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called only when the parent of the BulletinBoard is a DialogShell. In this case, this callback list is invoked when the BulletinBoard widget is managed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
marginHeight: | CSG | 10 | Specifies the minimum spacing in pixels between the top or bottom edge of BulletinBoard and any child widget. |
marginWidth: | CSG | 10 | Specifies the minimum spacing in pixels between the left or right edge of BulletinBoard and any child widget. |
noResize: | CSG | false | Controls whether or not resize controls are included in the window manager frame around the dialog. |
resizePolicy: | CSG | XmRESIZEANY | Controls the policy for resizing BulletinBoard widgets. |
textFontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list used for BulletinBoard's Text children. |
unmapCallback: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called only when the parent of the BulletinBoard is a DialogShell. In this case, this callback list is invoked when the BulletinBoard widget is unmapped. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
cascadingCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called just prior to the mapping of the submenu associated with CascadeButton. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
marginBottom: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginLeft: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginRight: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginTop: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
subMenuD: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget ID for the Pulldown MenuPane to be associated with this CascadeButton. The cascade button and its associated pulldown menu must have the same (or common) parent. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
activateCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user press CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
comboBoxType: | CG | XmDROPDOWN | Specifies the style of combo box. |
editable: | CSG | false | Indicates whether the user can edit the text string when set to true. |
focusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before Text has accepted input focus. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
fontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list to be used for CwComboBox. |
itemCount | G | 0 | Specifies the total number of items in the list. |
items: | CSG | nil | An array of Strings that are to be displayed as the list items. |
losingFocusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before Text loses input focus. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
maxLength: | CG | dynamic | Specifies the maximum length of the text string that can be entered into text from the keyboard. |
modifyVerifyCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before text is deleted from or inserted into Text. CallData type is CwTextVerifyCallbackData. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmTABGROUP | Overrides default value from CwPrimitive |
popdownCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the item list disappears. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData |
popupCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the item list appears. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
selectedItems | CSG | nil | An array of 0 or 1 Strings that represents the item currently selected. |
singleSelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user confirms a change to the combo box value. CallData type is CwComboBoxCallbackData. |
valueChangedCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called after text is deleted from or inserted into Text. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
verifyBell: | CSG | true | Specifies whether the bell should sound when the verification returns without continuing the action. |
visibleItemCount: | CG | 5 | Specifies the number of items that can fit in the visible space of the list work area. |
backgroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the background drawing color. |
exposeCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when widget receives an exposure event. CallData type is CwDrawingCallbackData. |
focusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called after a widget has accepted input focus. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
foregroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the foreground drawing color. |
helpCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the help key sequence is pressed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
interceptExposeCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when any area of the receiver or its children is exposed. CallData type is CwDrawingCallbackData. |
losingFocusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called after widget loses input focus. CallData type is CwDrawingCallbackData. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmTABGROUP | Specifies the value of the XmNnavigationType resource. |
strictClipping: | CG | self parent strictClipping | Some platforms show a dramatic speed improvement in the time to draw windows containing many widgets if they are not required to ensure certain clipping constraints. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | Specifies if traversal is activated for this widget. |
cancelLabelString: | CSG | 'Cancel' | Specifies the string label for the cancel button. |
helpLabelString: | CSG | 'Help' | Specifies the string label for the help button. |
minimizeButtons: | CSG | false | Sets the buttons to the width of the widest button and height of the tallest button if false. |
okCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user clicks on the OK Button. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
okLabelString: | CSG | 'OK' | Specifies the string label for the OK button. |
mwmInputMode: | CSG | -1 | Specifies the input mode flag. |
inputCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the DrawingArea processes a keyboard or mouse event (key or button, up or down). CallData type is CwDrawingCallbackData. |
marginHeight: | CSG | 10 | Specifies the minimum spacing in pixels between the top or bottom edge of DrawingArea and any child widget. |
marginWidth: | CSG | 10 | Specifies the minimum spacing in pixels between the left or right edge of DrawingArea and any child widget. |
resizePolicy: | CSG | XmRESIZEANY | Specifies the resize policy for the widget. |
activateCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the widget is selected. CallData type is CwDrawingCallbackData. |
armCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the receiver is armed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
disarmCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the receiver is disarmed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
exposeCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the widget receives an exposure event. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
labelString: | CSG | '' | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
focusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called after widget has accepted input focus. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
losingFocusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called after widget loses input focus. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
pushButtonEnabled: | CSG | false | Enables or disables the three-dimensional shadow drawing as in PushButton. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
fractionBase: | CSG | 100 | Specifies the denominator used in calculating the relative position of a child widget using XmATTACHPOSITION constraints. |
horizontalSpacing: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the offset for right and left attachments. |
marginHeight: | CSG | 0 | Overrides default value from CwBulletinBoard |
marginWidth: | CSG | 0 | Overrides default value from CwBulletinBoard |
rubberPositioning: | CSG | false | Indicates the default attachment for a child of the Form. |
verticalSpacing: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the offset for top and bottom attachments. |
fontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font of the text used in the widget. |
labelString: | CSG | '' | Specifies a text string that is the title of the receiver. |
marginHeight: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the padding space on the top and bottom sides between the child of Frame and the Frame's shadow drawing. |
marginWidth: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the padding space on the left and right sides between the child of Frame and the Frame's shadow drawing. |
shadowType: | CSG | XmSHADOWDEFAULT | Describes the drawing style for Frame. |
accelerator: | C | nil | Specifies the accelerator on a button widget in a menu, which activates a visible or invisible button from the keyboard. |
acceleratorText: | CSG | '' | Specifies the text displayed for the accelerator. |
alignment: | CSG | XmALIGNMENTCENTER | Specifies the label alignment for text or pixmap. |
fontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font of the text used in the widget. |
labelIcon: | CSG | XmUNSPECIFIEDICON | Specifies the icon when XmNlabelType is XmICON. |
labelInsensitiveIcon: | CSG | XmUNSPECIFIEDICON | Specifies an icon used as the button face if XmNlabelType is XmICON and the button is insensitive. |
labelInsensitivePixmap: | CSG | XmUNSPECIFIEDPIXMAP | Specifies a pixmap used as the button face if XmNlabelType is XmPIXMAP and the button is insensitive. |
labelPixmap: | CSG | XmUNSPECIFIEDPIXMAP | Specifies the pixmap when XmNlabelType is XmPIXMAP. |
labelString: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the label string when the XmNlabelType is XmSTRING. If labelString is not explicitly set, the widget's name is used by default. |
labelType: | CSG | XmSTRING | Specifies the label type. |
marginBottom: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the amount of spacing that is to be left, after the bottom margin (XmNmarginHeight) of the widget, but before the label is drawn. |
marginHeight: | CSG | 2 | Specifies the amount of space between the bottom edge of the top shadow and the label, and the top edge of the bottom shadow and the label. |
marginLeft: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the amount of spacing that is to be left, after the left margin (XmNmarginWidth) of the widget, but before the label is drawn. |
marginRight: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the amount of spacing that is to be left, after the right margin (XmNmarginWidth) of the widget, but before the label is drawn. |
marginTop: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the amount of spacing that is to be left, after the top margin (XmNmarginHeight) of the widget, but before the label is drawn. |
marginWidth: | CSG | 2 | Specifies the amount of space between the right edge of the left shadow and the label, and the left edge of the right shadow and the label. |
mnemonic: | CSG | nil | Provides the user with alternative means for selecting a button. |
recomputeSize: | CSG | true | Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether or not the widget always attempts to be big enough to contain the label. |
traversalOn: | CSG | false | Overrides default value form CwPrimitive |
borderwidth: | CSG | 1 | Overrides a default value from CwWidget. |
browseSelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when an item is selected in the browse selection mode. CallData type is CwListCallbackData. |
defaultActionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when an item is double clicked. CallData type is CwListCallbackData. |
extendedSelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when items are selected using the extended selection mode. CallData type is CwListCallbackData. |
fontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list associated with the list items. |
itemCount | CSG | 0 | Specifies the total number of items. |
items: | CSG | nil | An array of Strings that are to be displayed as the list items. |
multipleSelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when an item is selected in multiple selection mode. CallData type is CwListCallbackData. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmTABGROUP | Overrides default value from CwPrimitive. |
scrollHorizontal: | CG | dynamic | Indicates that a horizontal scroll bar is desired for this list. Ignored on platforms where the feature is not configurable. |
selectedItemCount | CSG | 0 | Specifies the number of strings in the selected items list. |
selectedItems: | CSG | nil | An array of Strings that represents the list items that are currently selected, either by the user or the application. |
selectionPolicy: | CSG | XmBROWSEELECT | Defines the interpretation of the selection action. |
singleSelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when an item is selected in single selection mode. CallData type is CwListCallbackData. |
topItemPosition: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the position of the item that is the first visible item in the list. |
visibleItemCount: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the number of items that can fit in the visible space of the List work area. |
menuBar: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the widget to be laid out as the MenuBar. |
cancelCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user clicks on the cancel button. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
defaultButtonType: | CSG | XmDIALOGOKBUTTON | Specifies the default PushButton. |
dialogType: | CSG | XmDIALOGMESSAGE | Specifies the type of MessageBox dialog, which determines the default message symbol. |
messageAlignment: | CSG | XmALIGNMENTBEGINNING | Controls the alignment of the message Label. |
messageString: | CSG | nil | Specifies the string to be used as the message. |
symbolIcon: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the icon to be used as the message symbol. |
symbolPixmap: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the pixmap label to be used as the message symbol. |
CwOverrideShell inherits resource and callback methods from CwShell, CwBasicWidget, and CwWidget . Consult the resource tables of these classes for more information. |
backgroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the background drawing color. |
foregroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the foreground drawing color. |
helpCallback: | C | OrderCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the help key sequence is pressed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
highlightThickness: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the size of the highlighting rectangle. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmNONE | Controls whether the Widget is a navigation group. |
shadowThickness: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the size of the drawn border shadow. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | Specifies if traversal is activated for this widget. |
activateCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when PushButton is activated. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
armCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the receiver is armed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
disarmCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the receiver is disarmed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
marginBottom: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginLeft: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginRight: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginTop: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
showAsDefault: | CSG | 0 | Specifies a shadow thickness for a second shadow to be drawn around the PushButton to visualy mark it as a default button. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
adjustLast: | CSG | true | Extends the last row of children to the bottom edge of RowColumn (when XmOrientation is XmHORIZONTAL) or extends the last column to the right edge of RowColumn (when XmOrientation is XmVERTICAL). |
buttonMnemonics: | C | nil | Used with the simple menu creation routines. |
buttons: | C | nil | Used with the simple menu creation routines. |
buttonSet: | C | -1 | Used with the simple menu creation routines. |
buttonType: | C | nil | Used with the simple menu creation routines. |
entryAlignment: | CSG | XmALIGNMENTBEGINNING | Specifies the alignment type for CwLabel children when XmNisAligned is enabled. |
entryBorder: | CSG | 0 | Imposes a uniform border width upon all RowColumn's children. |
entryCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Disables the activation callbacks for all ToggleButton, PushButton, and CascadeButton widgets contained within the RowColumn widget. |
entryClass: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the only widget class that can be added to the RowColumn widget; this resource is meaningful only when the XmNisHomogeneous resource is set to true. |
isAligned: | CSG | true | Specifies text alignment for each item within the RowColumn widget; this applies only to items that are a subclass of CwLabel, and on some platforms, applies only to instances of CwLabel. |
isHomogeneous: | CSG | dynamic | Indicates if the RowColumn widget should enforce exact homogeneity among the items it contains; if true, only the widgets that are of the class indicated by XmNentryClass are allowed as children of the RowColumn widget. |
labelString: | C | nil | A text string that displays the label to the left of the selection area when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENUOPTION. |
mapCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a widget-specific callback function that is invoked when the window associated with the RowColumn widget is about to be mapped. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
marginHeight: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the amount of space between the top edge of the RowColumn widget and the first item in each column, and the bottom edge of the RowColumn widget and the last item in each column. |
marginWidth: | CSG | 3 | Specifies the amount of space between the left edge of the RowColumn widget and the first item in each row, and the right edge of the RowColumn widget and the last item in each row. |
menuHelpWidget: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget for the CascadeButton, which is treated as the Help widget if XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENUBAR. |
menuHistory: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget of the last menu entry to be activated. |
mnemonic: | CSG | nil | Specifies a keyboard shortcut for the menu item. This resource is used when XmNrowColumnType is set to XmMENUOPTION. |
numColumns: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the number of minor dimension extensions that are made to accommodate the entries; this attribute is only meaningful when XmNpacking is set to XmPACKCOLUMN. |
optionLabel: | C | nil | Used with the simple menu creation routines. |
orientation: | CSG | dynamic | Determines whether RowColumn layouts are row major or column major. |
packing: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies how to pack the items contained within a RowColumn widget. |
postFromButton: | C | nil | Used with the simple menu creation routines. |
radioAlwaysOne: | CSG | true | When set to true, forces the active ToggleButton to be automatically selected after having been unselected (if no other toggle was activated). |
radioBehavior: | CSG | false | Specifies a Boolean value that when true, indicates that the RowColumn widget should enforce a RadioBox-type behavior on all of its children that are ToggleButtons. |
resizeHeight: | CSG | true | When set to true, requests a new height if necessary. |
resizeWidth: | CSG | true | When set to true, requests a new width if necessary. |
rowColumnType: | CSG | XmWORKAREA | Specifies the type of RowColumn widget which is to be created. |
simpleCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Used with the simple menu creation routines. CallData type is integer. |
spacing: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the horizontal and vertical spacing between items contained within the RowColumn widget. |
subMenuId: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget for the Pulldown MenuPane to be associated with an OptionMenu. The cascade button and its associated pulldown menu must have the same (or common) parent. |
unmapCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called after the window associated with the RowColumn widget has been unmapped. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
decimalPoints: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the number of decimal points to shift the slider value when displaying it. |
dragCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the slider position changes as the slider is being dragged. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
fontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list to use for the title text string specified by XmNtitleString. |
maximum: | CSG | 100 | Specifies the slider's maximum value. Set maximum before minimum to avoid warning on x. |
minimum: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's minimum value. Set maximum before minimum to avoid warning on x. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmNONE | Overrides default value from CwComposite. |
orientation: | CSG | XmVERTICAL | Displays Scale vertically or horizontally. |
processingDirection: | CSG | XmMAXONTOP | Specifies whether the value for XmNmaximum is on the right or left side of XmNminimum for horizontal Scales or above or below XmNminimum for vertical Scales. |
showValue: | CSG | false | Specifies if a label for the current slider value should be displayed next to the slider. |
titleString: | CSG | nil | Specifies the title text string to appear in the scale widget window. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | When set to true, specifies the Scale's slider is to have traversal on. |
value: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's current position along the scale, between minimum and maximum. |
valueChangedCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the value of the slider has changed. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
decrementCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an arrow is selected decreasing the slider value by one increment. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
dragCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called on each incremental change of position when the slider is being dragged. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
increment: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the amount to move the slider when the corresponding arrow is selected. |
incrementCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an arrow is selected increasing the slider value by one increment. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
maximum: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's maximum value. Set maximum before minimum to avoid warning on x. |
minimum: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's minimum value. Set maximum before minimum to avoid warning on x. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmTABGROUP | Overrides default value from CwPrimitive. |
orientation: | CSG | XmVERTICAL | Specifies whether the ScrollBar is displayed vertically or horizontally. |
pageDecrementCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the slider area is selected and the slider value is decreased by one page increment. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
pageIncrement: | CSG | 10 | Specifies the amount to move the slider when selection occurs on the slide area. |
pageIncrementCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the slider area is selected and the slider value is increased by one page increment. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
processingDirection: | CSG | XmMAXONBOTTOM | Specifies whether the value for XmNmaximum should be on the right or left side of XmNminimum for horizontal ScrollBars or above or below XmNminimum for vertical ScrollBars. |
sliderSize: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the size of the slider between the values of 0 and maximum - minimum. |
toBottomCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user moves the slider to the bottom of the scroll bar. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
toTopCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user moves the slider to the top of the scroll bar. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
value: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's position between minimum and maximum. |
valueChangedCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the slider is released while being dragged; this is in place of XmNincrementCallback, XmNdecrementCallback, XmNpageIncrementCallback, or XmNpageDecrementCallback when they do not have any callbacks attached. CallData type is CwValueCallbackData. |
clipBackgroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the background color for the clip area. |
clipBackgroundPixmap: | CSG | nil | Specifies a pixmap for tiling the background of the clip area. |
horizontalScrollBar: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget that is the horizontal ScrollBar. |
scrollBarDisplayPolicy: | CSG | XmSTATIC | Controls the automatic placement of the ScrollBars. |
scrollingPolicy: | CSG | XmAPPLICATIONDEFINED | Performs automatic scrolling of the work area with no application interaction. |
verticalScrollBar: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget ID of the vertical ScrollBar. |
visualPolicy: | CS | XmVARIABLE | Grows the ScrolledWindow to match the size of the work area, or it can be used as a static viewport onto a larger data space. |
workWindow: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget ID of the viewing area. |
applyCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user clicks on the Apply button. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
applyLabelString: | CSG | 'Apply' | Specifies the string label for the Apply button. |
cancelCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user clicks on the Cancel button. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
dialogType: | CG | dynamic | Determines the set of SelectionBox children widgets that are created and managed at initialization. |
listItemCount | G | 0 | Specifies the items in the SelectionBox list. |
listItems: | CSG | nil | Specifies the items in the SelectionBox list. |
listLabelString: | CSG | nil | Specifies the string label to appear above the SelectionBox list containing the selection items. |
listVisibleItemCount: | CSG | 8 | Specifies the number of items displayed in the SelectionBox list. |
mustMatch: | CSG | false | Specifies whether the selection widget should check if the user's selection in the text edit field has an exact match in the SelectionBox list when the OK button is activated. |
noMatchCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user makes a selection from the text edit field that does not have an exact match with any of the items in the list box. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
selectionLabelString: | CSG | 'Selection' | Specifies the string label for the selection text edit field. |
textColumns: | CSG | 20 | Specifies the initial width of the text window measured in character spaces. |
textString: | CSG | nil | Specifies the text in the text edit selection field. |
margin: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the space on the left and right sides between the border of the Separator and the line drawn for horizontal orientation. |
orientation: | CSG | XmHORIZONTAL | Displays Separator vertically or horizontally. |
separatorType: | CSG | XmSHADOWETCHEDIN | Specifies the type of line drawing to be done in the Separator widget. |
traversalOn: | CSG | false | Overrides default value from CwPrimitive. |
allowShellResize: | CG | false | Specifies that if this resource is false, then the Shell widget instance will return XtGeometryNo to all geometry requests from its children. |
borderWidth: | CSG | 1 | Overrides the default value from CwWidget. |
popdownCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the widget instance is popped down by popdown. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
popupCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the widget instance is popped up by popup. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
strictClipping: | CG | CwWidget strictClipping | Some platforms show a dramatic speed improvement in the time to draw windows containing many widgets if they are not required to ensure certain clipping constraints. |
activateCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the user presses the default action key. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
alignment: | CG | XmALIGNMENTBEGINNING | Specifies the text alignment when the text widget has an editMode of XmSINGLENEEDIT. |
borderWidth: | CSG | 1 | Overrides default value from CwWidget |
columns: | CSG | 20 | Specifies the initial width of the text window measured in character spaces. |
cursorPosition: | CSG | 0 | Indicates the position in the text where the current insert cursor is to be located. |
doubleClickSelect: | CSG | true | Indicates that the widget should not perform double-click selection processing. Ignored on platforms where the feature is not configurable. |
editable: | CSG | true | Indicates whether the user can edit the text string. |
editMode: | CG | XmSINGLELINEEDIT | Specifies whether the widget supports single line or multi line editing of text. |
focusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before Text has accepted input focus. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
fontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list to be used for Text. |
losingFocusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before Text loses input focus. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
marginHeight: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the distance between the top edge of the window and the text, and between the bottom edge of the window and the text. |
marginWidth: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the distance between the left edge of the window and the text, and between the right edge of the window and the text. |
maxLength: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the maximum length of the text string that can be entered into text from the keyboard. |
modifyVerifyCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before text is deleted from or inserted into Text. CallData type is CWTextVerifyCallbackData. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmTABGROUP | Overrides default value from CsPrimitive. |
rows: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the initial height of the text window measured in character heights. |
scrollHorizontal: | CG | true | Adds a ScrollBar that enables the user to scroll horizontally through text when set to true. |
scrollVertical: | CSG | true | Adds a ScrollBar that enables the user to scroll vertically through text when set to true. |
tabSpacing: | CSG | 8 | Indicates the tab stop spacing. |
topCharacter: | CSG | 0 | Displays the position of text at the top of the window. |
value: | CSG | '' | Specifies the displayed text String. |
valueChangedCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called after text is deleted from or inserted into Text. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
verifyBell: | CSG | true | Specifies whether the bell should sound when the verification returns without continuing the action. |
wordWrap: | CSG | false | Indicates that lines are to be broken at word breaks. |
armCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the receiver is armed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
disarmCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the receiver is disarmed. |
indicatorOn: | CSG | true | Specifies that a toggle indicator is drawn to the left of the toggle text or pixmap when set to true. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
indicatorType: | CSG | XmNOFMANY | Specifies if the indicator is a 1-of or N-of indicator. |
marginBottom: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginLeft: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginRight: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
marginTop: | CSG | dynamic | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
set: | CSG | false | Displays the button in its selected state if set to true. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | Overrides default value from CwLabel. |
valueChangedCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the ToggleButton value is changed. CallData type is CwToggleButtonCallbackData. |
iconic: | CSG | false | When set to true, specifies that the application will attempt to start as an icon once it is realized. |
screen: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the screen on which the widget instance resides. |
CwTransientShell inherits resource and callback methods from CwWMShell, CwShell, CwBasicWidget, and CwWidget. Consult the resource tables of these classes for more information. |
ancestorSensitive | G | dynamic | Specifies whether the immediate parent of the widget will react to input events. |
borderWidth: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the width of the border that surrounds the widget's window on all four sides. |
bottomAttachment: | CSG | XmATTACHNONE | Specifies attachment of the bottom side of the child. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
bottomOffset: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the constant offset between the bottom side of the child and the object to which it is attached. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
bottomPosition: | CSG | 0 | Determines the relative position of the bottom side of the child. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
bottomWidget: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget to which the bottom side of the child is attached. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
depth | G | CgWindow default depth | Specifies the number of bits that can be used for each pixel in the widget's window. |
destroyCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the widget is destroyed. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
dragDetectCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the user performs a mouse movement that is the cue for the application to initiate drag and drop processing. |
height: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the height of the widget's window in pixels, not including the border area. |
leftAttachment: | CSG | XmATTACHNONE | Specifies attachment of the left side of the child. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
leftOffset: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the constant offset between the left side of the child and the object to which it is attached. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
leftPosition: | CSG | 0 | Determines the relative position of the left side of the child. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
leftWidget: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget to which the left side of the child is attached. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
mappedWhenManaged: | CSG | true | Maps the widget (makes visible) as soon as it is both realized and managed, if set to true. |
resizable: | CSG | true | This Boolean resource specifies whether or not a child's request for a new size is (conditionally) granted by the Form. |
resizeCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the widget is resized. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
rightAttachment: | CSG | XmATTACHNONE | Specifies attachment of the right side of the child. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
rightOffset: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the constant offset between the right side of the child and the object to which it is attached. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
rightPosition: | CSG | 0 | Determines the relative position of the right side of the child. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
rightWidget: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget to which the right side of the child is attached. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
sensitive: | CSG | true | Determines whether a widget will react to input events. |
topAttachment: | CSG | XmATTACHNONE | Specifies attachment of the top side of the child. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
topOffset: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the constant offset between the top side of the child and the object to which it is attached. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
topPosition: | CSG | 0 | Determines the relative position of the top side of the child. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
topWidget: | CSG | nil | Specifies the widget to which the top side of the child is attached. This resource is only valid if the widget's parent is a CwForm. |
userData: | CSG | nil | Allows the user-defined application to attach any necessary specific data to the widget. |
width: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the width of the widget's window in pixels, not including the border area. |
x: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the x-coordinate of the widget's upper left-hand corner (excluding the border) in relation to its parent widget. Note that the methods x: and y: in CwBasicWidget on X Motif will not cause the widget to be moved. This is in accordance with the Motif specification. In order to set the x,y resources and move the widget, you should use method moveWidget:y:. |
y: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the y-coordinate of the widget's upper left-hand corner (excluding the border) in relation to its parent widget. Note that the methods x: and y: in CwBasicWidget on X Motif will not cause the widget to be moved. This is in accordance with the Motif specification. In order to set the x,y resources and move the widget, you should use method moveWidget:y:. |
autoRaise: | CG | true | Specifies effects on keyboard focus and stacking order when the receiver or any of its descendents are selected with the mouse. |
dbcsInput: | CG | false | Specifies that the platform-dependent DBCS shell style will be enabled. |
focusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the shell gains or loses keyboard focus. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
icon: | CSG | XmUNSPECIFIEDICON | Specifies an icon that could be used by the window manager as the application's icon. |
iconifyCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the shell is iconified or deiconified. CallData type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
iconMask: | CSG | XmUNSPECIFIEDPIXMAP | Specifies a bitmap that could be used by the window manager as the application's icon mask. |
iconPixmap: | CSG | XmUNSPECIFIEDPIXMAP | Specifies a bitmap that could be used by the window manager as the application's icon. |
mwmDecorations: | CG | -1 | Includes the decoration flags describing the specific decorations to add or remove from the window manager frame. |
title: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the application name to be displayed by the window manager. If title is not explicitly set, the widget's name is used by default. |
windowCloseCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the shell is about to be closed by the window manager. CallData type is CwConfirmationCallbackData. |