Using OLE Support
In this chapter, you learn how to use the OLE Support feature in your visual application. The feature enables you to use OLE clients and custom control services in VA Smalltalk applications.
For Windows:
The OLE Support feature is only available in VA Smalltalk for Windows. It is not available for Linux.
OLE (or Object Linking and Embedding) is a unified environment of object-based services that can be customized and used to extend the environment.
The VA Smalltalk parts related to OLE are:

OLE category
OLE Client Accesses and uses an OLE server application, such as Paintbrush or WordPad
OLE Control Enables the use of a custom Windows control that is built with OLE technology, commonly known as an OCX
OLE File Enables transparent persistence of linked or embedded OLE objects into files
How to copy from Windows Explorer into an OLE Client part
Use copy and paste to share OLE objects between the Windows Explorer and an OLE Client part. Dropping an OLE object that was dragged from the Windows Explorer onto an OLE Client part does not work.
Last modified date: 07/22/2020