Generating default scripts
VA Smalltalk can help save you time and get you started by generating certain default scripts.
In the Public Interface Editor:
1. Select Generate Default Scripts from the File menu.
2. In the Generate Default Scripts window, select the Generate all push button.
3. Select

to switch to the Script Editor view of your Runner part.
4. Select the Not categorized category to view the scripts.
Notice that asResultString, finishTime, finishTime:, number, and number: are listed on the top-right and the following class definition is displayed in the text area:
AbtAppBldrPart subclass: #Runner
instanceVariableNames: 'asResultString number finishTime'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
Notice that these are all of the selectors and attribute data types you just generated.
Also notice that Runner is a subclass of AbtAppBldrPart. All nonvisual part classes are created as a subclass of AbtAppBldrPart so that they automatically inherit all of the properties and behaviors needed for VA Smalltalk to recognize them and keep them functioning as parts.
Last modified date: 07/15/2020