Adding and defining 3270 Screen parts
1. Select the 3270 Hllapi category

on the parts palette, then select the 3270 Screen part

2. Add the 3270 Screen part to an open area of free-form surface.
3. To specify the details of the screen represented by the 3270 Screen part, double-click on the part to open its Settings window.
To identify the host application panel represented by a 3270 Screen part, specify the following information on the 3270 Screen Settings window:
Terminal id
From the Terminal id drop-down list, specify the one-character character name of the emulator session you want to use for host interaction. The sessions currently available are listed. This must be one of the emulator session names configured in the setup of your communications software.
Settle time
In the Settle time field, type the the number of seconds it takes a screenChanged event to gather multiple events. This is done to prevent multiple events from executing when the host updates the screen in several short blocks. Specify a nominal response time for the network. The default is one second.
Key sequence validation string
In the Key sequence validation string field, type a character string unique to the application panel you want to identify. VA Smalltalk uses this string to detect the particular menu or panel you want the 3270 Screen part to interact with. If the host application assigns a unique number or name to each screen, you can specify that name or number here. Otherwise, use any character string that appears only on the panel you want to identify. The string you specify can be no longer than 132 characters long and cannot span lines.
Last modified date: 02/27/2018