Guided Tour
In this section, we guide you through the process of publishing the API of the application SqaEtBrowserExtensions.
1. Open an Application Manager.
2. Select the application SqaEtBrowserExtensions.
3. Select Applications Õ Tool Õ Publish Õ Applications....
4. When the Code Publisher Output Options dialog opens, change the Document Title to be SQA API.
5. Select the RTF radio button.
6. Select Categories to Publish... and ensure SQA-API is the only included category. Click OK.
7. Select Settings....
8. When the Code Publisher Settings dialog opens, select
Application in the left list.
a. Click None.
b. Click the check boxes for Application class and Public classes.
The output contains the application class and the public classes of the application.
c. Select Class in the left list.
d. Click None.
e. Click the check boxes for Class comment and Public methods.
The output contains class comments and the public methods of the published classes.
f. Select Method in the left list.
g. Click None.
h. Click the check box for Method header comment (from top of method).
The output contains only the comment from the start of each method. The code for each method is omitted.
i. Click OK.
9. Click OK.
Code Publisher creates your document.
10. When the document is created, you can open it in Microsoft Word.
When the document opens, a macro automatically adjusts the tables, figures, and pagination.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015