Review your work
Let's step back now and take a look at the application we've built. But, before we do let's save our development image. On the Organizer, from the
File pull-down menu, select
Save image. When prompted to save your image to file ABT.ICX select
Yes. Now, make sure your application is selected in the
Applications pane of the Organizer and that the
MainWindowView part is selected within the Organizer
Parts pane then select the test tool

from the tool bar.
Take some time to navigate through your application and make sure that it is behaving as you expect. Ensure the menu choices and cascading menus appear as you expect, despite the fact that they do not perform any actions.
Save all of the parts that are currently open (if any are) and close the Composition Editor. Finally, save your image again if you've made any last minute changes.
Last modified date: 06/18/2018