Saving and testing the To-do List application
Before testing your ToDoList application, you should save the work you have done.
In VA Smalltalk, the current state of the system is stored in an image file, called ABT.ICX. When you save your image, you are saving the current state of all the applications and parts you have created and the state of any windows that you currently have open. When you restart VA Smalltalk, the system will be restored to the state it was in when you last saved your image. You should periodically save your image while developing your applications and save your image prior to exiting VA Smalltalk.
You can also save any changes you have made to a part. When you save changes to a part, you are replacing the old specification of the part with a new one. When you do this, VA Smalltalk will be using the new specification of the part for all new uses of it. You should save your changes to a part periodically as you are working with it and when you have finished editing it.
Saving your visual part and application image
In the Composition Editor, do the following:
1. To save your part, from the File pull-down menu select Save part.
A message box appears saying that your part is being saved and that runtime code is being generated. This generated runtime code is what VA Smalltalk uses to create your part when you run your application.
2. To save your image, from the File pull-down menu select Save image.
Always be sure to save your image before closing VA Smalltalk.
3. A message appears confirming whether you want to save the image to a file called ABT.ICX. Select Yes.
Now your work is stored in the image ABT.ICX.
Testing the application
Now that your work is saved, you can test your To-Do List application.
1. To begin testing your application from within the Composition Editor, select the Test tool

from the tool bar.
2. When the To-Do List window appears, experiment with it to ensure that it behaves the way you expect it to. For the To-Do List application, you need to ensure you can add items to the list and remove selected items from the list.
Be sure to close the application window when you are completed with your testing.
3. At any time you can return to the Composition Editor and make changes, save the changes, then test the application again.
4. When you are through, save your part, close the Composition Editor and save your image.
For more information about debugging your application, see the Visual Programming User Guide.
Congratulations! Your To-Do List application is finished. Now you need to make an executable application so that you can run it outside of the development environment.
Last modified date: 07/27/2020