Changing part properties
A Properties window provides a way to display and set the attributes and other options associated with a part or connection. In addition to part-specific properties, you can set data validation, layout, drag and drop, and help information. For example, you can add an OK push button to your application and define it as the default push button by changing the properties for the push button part using its properties view.
Open the Properties window for a part
To open the properties for a part, do either of the following:
•Double-click on the part.
•Select a part, then select Open Settings from the pop-up menu for the part.
•Select a part, then select
(properties icon) from the tool bar.
The terms part properties and part settings are interchangeable.
Part property names and their values are displayed in a table format. How property values are changed depends on the property type itself. For example, the value of the
partName property is a string and can be changed directly within a cell in the Properties window. Other part property values are changed through a second window displayed for that purpose. Editing a part's
backgroundColor and
foregroundColor for instance, is carried out through the use of the Colors dialog. To edit any part property, from its Property window, simple click on the value you want to change. If the value is a string or integer value you can edit it directly. If defining the value requires another dialog, click on the

presented in place of the existing value to bring up the dialog. If the value is a boolean, click on the cell in the
value column of the table and select either the
true button

false button

In most cases, part properties and their values for VA Smalltalk parts will be displayed within the table-oriented view described above. This table-oriented view is referred to as a generic properties view. In a few cases, a notebook is used to display part properties and their values. This notebook-oriented view is referred to as a custom settings view. Custom settings are navigated using notebook tabs. In either case, part property values can be changed and saved.
The part is updated with the new property value when you change a property's value and click anywhere outside of the value cell for the property you just changed or close the supplementary dialog used to change the part's property.
Additional information about the individual properties of a part can be found in the following places:
•The Visual Parts Reference.
•The on-line help facilities, which you can access by selecting the Help push button on the Properties window.
Last modified date: 07/24/2020