C External Function
Select the C External Function part to access a C function from the VA Smalltalk environment. By connecting to the C External Function part, other parts can call the external function, pass parameters to the function, and retrieve the results from the function.
To use the C External Function part, you must have access to the header (.H) file defining the data types used by the external function. VA Smalltalk can parse the C source code and header files to determine which parameters are passed. VA Smalltalk objects can be used as parameters to C functions, and VA Smalltalk handles any data type conversion necessary.
C External Function

External Functions

Class Name:
To display the pop-up menu for the part, click with mouse button 2 on the part.
To further define the appearance and function of a part, double-click on it to open the properties window.
Last modified date: 09/20/2018