Method mapping page
On the Method mapping page, specify the methods of the Java class you are mapping to. This page appears only if the class is remote (it implements the java.rmi.Remote interface).
To add a method to the list, select New. The Method Definition Window appears prompting you for details about the method. Specify the following information:
Smalltalk name
The Smalltalk method name.
Java name
The Java method name.
Return Type
The Java type returned by the method. You can enter the type directly in the field or import the Java types from the repository of this Smalltalk image or VisualAge for Java servlet interface.
Input Parameters
The types of the parameters passed to the method. To add parameters to the list, follow these steps:
•Select Add.... A window appears prompting you for the type of the parameter.
•Enter the parameter name or select


to choose from a list of available Java types imported from the Java Repository of this Smalltalk image or from the VisualAge for Java servlet interface.
•Select OK to add the parameter to the list
To remove a parameter from the list, select it and then select Remove.
The number of parameters defined for the Java method must equal the number of parameters defined by the corresponding Smalltalk method. If the two methods do not match, an error message appears when you attempt to add the method to the class mapping.
The exceptions thrown by the method. To add exceptions to the list, follow these steps:
•Select Add.... A window appears prompting you for the Java exception that this method can throw.
•Enter the exception or select


to choose from a list of available exceptions imported from the Java Repository of this Smalltalk image or from the VisualAge for Java servlet interface.
If the exception you want is not listed, this means no Smalltalk mapping exists for it. You may enter the exception name and when you have finished mapping the Java class, you will be prompted to map the exception using the RMI Exception Wizard. See
Mapping a Smalltalk class to a Java exception for more information on creating mapping exceptions.
•When you have finished adding exceptions, select OK.
To remove an exception from the list, select it and then select Remove.
When you have finished editing the method, you can select New to create a new method and repeat the process for additional methods or select Next to continue to the next page.
If you want to change a method you have already added, follow these steps:
1. Select the method on the Method mapping page. The details of the selected method are shown.
2. Make your changes.
3. Select another method to edit, select New to create a new method, or select Next to continue to the next page.
To remove a method to the list, select the method and select Remove.
If you are finished specifying methods for the class, select Next to continue to the next page.
Last modified date: 09/19/2018