Adding list parts
In this section you learn how to use VA Smalltalk's list parts. You will use the list parts when building a card game application, CardGameApp.
The following list parts are grouped in the Lists category of the parts palette:

Lists Category
List Allows selection of only a single text item
Multiple Select List Allows selection of multiple text items
Drop-down List Allows selection of a single text item while preserving screen space.
Combo Box Combines the function of a text-entry field with a drop-down list
Spin Button Behaves as a circular list of text items
Container Icon Area Displays its items as graphics and text that can be arranged by a user
Container Icon List Displays its items as graphics and text arranged as a vertical list
Container Flowed Icon List Displays its items as graphics and text arranged as a horizontal list with as many vertical columns as window space permits
Container Icon Tree Displays its items as graphics and text arranged as hierarchical trees
Container Details Displays its items as columns of data with each item occupying a row
Container Details Tree Combines the function of the Container Icon Tree part with the Container Details part
Packeting Container Details Displays data as columns of data with each item occupying a row
Container Details Column Represents an individual column in a details container
Last modified date: 07/17/2020