The Action page of the Public Interface Editor, shown below, is used to specify the actions your reusable part can perform. These actions are typically performed when some event occurs.
For example, you might want to update a
balance attribute each time a push button is clicked. To do this, you create an action named
updateBalance that performs the task and then connect it to the push button's
clicked event.

The name of each action for the part is displayed in the Action name list box. You can add, update, and delete actions using the push buttons at the bottom of the page.
To add an action to the part, you need to specify the following:
Action name
The name of the action. This name is displayed in the list of actions when making connections to the part.
Action selector
The name of the method, or script, within the part that performs the task
Parameters and their types
Information used to define a parameter for the action.
To add a parameter, select Add before or Add after from the parameter table's pop-up menu, and then specify the following:
The name of the action parameter
The class, or type, of the action parameter, for example, Number or Object
Last modified date: 07/16/2020