Using the AbtRecord class with COBOL
For COBOL, use the following code:
"Parses the header file and saves the resulting object table"
| anObjectTable |
anObjectTable := AbtCOBOLLangParser parseFile: 'atm.cpy'.
anObjectTable saveToFile: 'c:\cobolatm.rec'
"Restores the object table from the file and
calls the function using a generic record"
| anObjectTable aSampleCOBOLATMGenericRecord platformFunction |
anObjectTable := AbtObjectTable loadFromFile: 'c:\catm.rec'.
aSampleCOBOLATMGenericRecord := (anObjectTable cobol01s
at: 'ATM-CUSTOMER' asSmalltalkGlobalIdentifier) newRecord.
aSampleCOBOLATMGenericRecord at: 'pinNumber' put: '12345'.
platformFunction := PlatformFunction
callingConvention: 'abtc16'
function: 'atm'
library: 'atm'
parameterTypes: #(pointer pointer)
returnType: #none.
platformFunction coroutineCallWithArray:
(Array with: 'Q' abtAsExternalPassedPointer
with: (aSampleCOBOLATMGenericRecord
threadKey: nil.
show: (aSampleCOBOLATMGenericRecord at: 'firstName'); cr;
show: (aSampleCOBOLATMGenericRecord at: 'lastName'); cr;
show: (aSampleCOBOLATMGenericRecord at: 'checkingBalance'); cr.
For more detailed information on accessing external functions see the Programmer Reference.
Last modified date: 07/23/2020