Script Editor
Use the
Script Editor to work with Smalltalk code. With the Script Editor, you create and modify scripts that add logic to your application. For example, you can write a script that performs some action when an item in a list is double-clicked.
Much of what your application does can be constructed visually by making connections between parts in the Composition Editor. Scripts are useful when you need to add unique behavior to a part, or when there is no connection that does precisely what you need.
Script Editor icons
To make it easier to write scripts, you can display a template or include commonly used code fragments available from the Subpart Features Syntax and Language Elements Syntax windows. You can test your work, get the template, or access the windows by selecting the following icons in the upper left of the Script Editor:

New Method Template icon displays a structure for a script.

Subpart Features Syntax icon opens the
Subpart Features Syntax window, which displays common code fragments for getting and setting attributes and actions of the subparts of the part class you are editing.
You can paste code fragments from the windows into the Script pane of the Script Editor, change the fragments to suit your needs, and then save your script. You can then use the script to make connections.
Push buttons
The push buttons on the Script Editor are toggle switches that enable you to choose among different ways of defining and selecting methods:
View icons
Using the icons

in the lower-right corner of the window, you can switch between the
three views of a part.
Menu-bar choices
Last modified date: 03/27/2020