Work with attribute values using the Subpart Features Syntax tool
The Subpart Features Syntax tool makes it easy to get, set, and change attribute values and to instruct a part to do something.
To open the tool, click on

in the upper-left of the Script Editor. Notice that
Subparts lists the parts in your visual part, using names you've given them or the default names.
Getting and setting attribute values
To obtain (get) or change (set) attribute values:
1. From the Subparts pane, select the part whose attribute you want to work with.
2. From the Attributes pane, select the attribute.
3. Click mouse button 2 (or 3) on the Attributes pane, and select Paste 'get' or Paste 'set' from the displayed pop-up menu. Code that gets the value of the part's attribute or code that enables you to set the value is pasted into the Script pane of the Script Editor.
4. If necessary, modify the pasted code. If you're setting a new value, replace <your expression here> with the value.
Instructing a part to do something
To instruct a part to perform one of its actions:
1. From the Subparts pane, select the part whose action you want to work with.
2. From the Actions pane, select the action.
3. Click mouse button 2 (or 3) on the Actions pane, and select Paste 'perform' from the displayed pop-up menu.
Last modified date: 08/09/2019