Package my application into a runtime image
To package your application into a shrink-wrapped executable file, do the following:
1. Create or find an empty directory on your workstation.
2. In the Organizer window, pick the application that you want to package into the finished product.
3. From the Applications menu, select Make Executable.
4. In the Windows to show at startup list, select the visual part you want to appear first when your application starts. You can pick more than one if you want, or you can select None.
If you select None, make sure that the application class has a class method that provides startup logic. For information on startup logic, refer to descriptions of the method runtimeStartUp in materials on packaging in the Visual Programming User Guide.
5. Check the list of prerequisite applications. Ensure that the application has all needed prerequisites and doesn't name edit-time applications such as AbtBuildViewsApp. If the Prerequisite applications list doesn't show the correct prerequisites for your application, select Change and fix the prerequisites in the displayed dialog.
You can only include as prerequisites applications that you make and applications that Instantiations permits you to redistribute. For a list of redistributable applications, refer to the online .api file.
One way to see if your application names the correct prerequisites is to check messages printed to the System Transcript. If you see the message #<method>: should not reference <class>, the application you are working with needs to add a prerequisite. The application containing the class named in the message is what you should add as the prerequisite.
6. Select OK.
7. After a prompter opens, saying that it might take 15 to 30 minutes to package, select OK.
8. In the displayed file dialog, select the empty directory, specify a file name such as myapp, and select OK. VA Smalltalk starts the packaging and displays a window that gives you progress messages.
If VA Smalltalk finds methods that reference global variables or classes that don't exist in your application, it informs you that it found "packaging problems" and opens a Packager Reference control panel that lists the problems. Later, you can come back to this browser, change your application to resolve the problems, and try packaging again. If none of the problems listed refer to methods in your application, packaging is complete. Select Cancel.
9. When VA Smalltalk completes the packaging, the "empty" directory contains the startup executable, the runtime image, and diagnostic .ES files. So you can run the runtime image, copy the following files to the "empty" directory:
Any .MPR, .DLL, or other files used by your application. For Windows, you might need to copy ESVM40.DLL, plus other DLL files, to the directory if your system's environment variables cannot find the file.
10. Run the runtime image and test it. To run the runtime image, double-click on any icon for the startup executable or enter at a command prompt:
<base .IMG and executable file name>
That is, if you specified MYAPP.ICX for the packaged image name and the startup executable has MYAPP in its name, enter
on Windows. On UNIX, enter
Your (main) visual part should open, like when you click on

For more details on packaging, refer to the following:
•Visual Programming User Guide
• Smalltalk User Guide
Last modified date: 07/25/2020