Prompt for text input
At times, you need to prompt users for a string of text.
Adding a text prompter
To display a window into which users enter a text string, add a Text Prompter part:
1. Go to a Composition Editor open on a visual part in your application.
2. Select

(Prompter category) and

(Text Prompter part).
3. Click on the free-form surface.
Changing the settings for the prompter
Define what the prompter displays by changing its settings:
1. Open the Text Prompter part's Properties window.
2. Specify the title of the window, the messageString with the text you want to appear above the field where users type in text, and the defaultAnswerString with any default text.
Connecting the prompter to other parts
After you define a prompter, make an
event-to-action connection so the prompter displays when the event occurs. Connect the event, such as
clicked for a push button, to the
prompt action of the Text Prompter part.
Last modified date: 08/14/2019