You can start a non-VA Smalltalk program from your application. To start an external program, use a Program Starter part.
To add a Program Starter part to your application:
1. Open a Composition Editor on the visual part from which you want to start an external program.
2. Select

, the External Functions category, and then

, the Program Starter part.
3. Click on the free-form surface.
Now, specify the program you want started:
1. Open the Program Starter part's Settings window.
2. Change the settings as follows:
a. Select Find and, in the dialog that opens, specify the file and path name for the program.
b. In the Parameter string field, specify any parameter you want passed to the program when it starts.
3. Select OK.
Finally, connect an event, such as clicked for a push button, to the startProgram action of the Program Starter part.