Change a part's settings
The settings of a part are its attributes and options. Each visual part has a Properties (settings) window. Using a Properties window, you can set a part's attributes and options. You can also set a part's means of data validation, size, position, acceptance of drag/drop, or associated help file.
To change a part's settings:
1. Open the part's Properties window.
To open the Properties or Settings window of a part, do any of the following:
a. Double-click on the part.
b. Select a part, then select Open Settings from the pop-up menu for the part.
c. Select a part, then select

from the tool bar.
2. Change the values in the properties table.
3. The part is updated with the new property value when you change a property's value and click anywhere outside of the value cell for the property you just changed or close the supplementary dialog used to change the part's property.
For information on a part's settings, select the Help button that's in each Properties window.
Last modified date: 04/23/2020