backgroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that specifies the background drawing color. Note: The particular aspects of the widget's appearance that are affected by changing this resource depend on platform-specific styles and capabilities and vary from platform to platform. |
foregroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that specifies the foreground drawing color. Note: The particular aspects of the widget's appearance that are affected by changing this resource depend on platform-specific styles and capabilities and vary from platform to platform. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmNONE | Controls whether the widget is a navigation group. Allowed values are as follows: XmNONE Indicates that the widget is not a navigationgroup. XmTABGROUP Indicates that the widget is included automatically in keyboard navigation. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | Specifies if traversal is activated for this widget. Note: On some platforms, a widget that cannot be reached through keyboard traversal will not take focus under any conditions, for example, even when it is clicked on with the mouse. |
CwExtendedComposite also inherits resource and callback methods from CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
backgroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that specifies the background drawing color. Note: The particular aspects of the widget's appearance that are affected by changing this resource are dependent on platform-specific styles and capabilities and vary from platform to platform. |
foregroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that specifies the foreground drawing color. Note: The particular aspects of the widget's appearance that are affected by changing this resource are dependent on platform-specific styles and capabilities and vary from platform to platform. |
navigationType: | CSG | XmNONE | Controls whether the widget is a navigation group. Allowed values are as follows: XmNONE Indicates that the widget is not a navigationgroup. XmTABGROUP Indicates that the widget is included automatically in keyboard navigation. |
traversalOn: | CSG | true | Specifies if traversal is activated for this widget. Note: On some platforms, a widget that is not reachable through keyboard traversal will not take focus under any conditions for example, even when it is clicked on with the mouse. |
CwExtendedPrimitive also inherits resource and callback methods from CwExtendedComposite, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
applicationDrawnBack- ground: | CSG | false | Specifies whether the application wants the drawBackgroundCallback to be triggered when an item's background needs to be drawn. If this value is false, then the widget will draw the normal default background for each selected and nonselected item. |
drawBackground- Callback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item's background needs to be drawn. The callback reason is XmCRDRAWBACKGROUND. The applicationDrawnBackground resource must be true for this callback to be activated. CallData type is EwIconListDrawBackgroundCallbackData. |
fontList: | CSG | CwFontList default | Specifies the font list associated with the list items. |
itemHeight: | CSG | 34 | Specifies the height list items in pixels. This includes the margin height on the top and bottom of the item and two pixels for emphasis. If the resource is nil, each item is individually sized to its preferred height plus twice the margin height plus two pixels for emphasis. |
items: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | A collection that represents hierarchy root items in the list. |
visualInfoCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item's icon, label and isInUse indicator are needed. The callback reason is XmCRVISUALINFO. The application must hook this callback and set the calldata icon to the CgIcon (or other renderable object) to be displayed as the icon for the item in calldata item. It must also set the calldata label to the String (or other renderable object) to be displayed as the label for the item. No other resources might be set while inside this callback nor might any nonresource API be invoked. Calldata type is EwIconVisualInfoCallbackData. |
EwContainerList also inherits resource and callback methods from EwContainerList, EwLinearList, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
applicationDrawnStates: | CSG | XmDRAWNONE | Describes that visual states will be custom drawn by the application in the displayCallback. Any visual states not specified in this resource are drawn by the EwDrawnList. The integer represents the bitwise inclusive OR of one or more of the following values: XmDRAWNONE, XmDRAWSELECTION, XmDRAWCURSORED |
displayCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is to be drawn. The callback reason is XmCRLISTITEMDISPLAY. If this callback is not hooked, the list will appear empty when displayed. Calldata type is EwDrawnListDrawCallbackData. |
itemHeight: | CSG | 16 | Specifies the height in pixels of items in the list. Note: This resource is ignored if the measureCallback is hooked. |
items: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | A collection that represents the items in the list. Usually the item list is copied form the application via asOrderedCollection. However, the use of an Interval for the item list is optimized so that a copy and conversion is not made until an edit operation is requested. |
itemWidth: | CSG | 500 | Specifies the width in pixels of items in the list. Note: This resource is only used to set the scrolling interval for the horizontal scroll bar. It is ignored if the scrollHorizontal resource is false. |
measureCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called in order to obtain the height of an item. The application specifies the height by setting the height field of the calldata to the Integer pixel height of the item. If this callback is not hooked, the itemHeight resource is used as the height of all items. No other resources might be set while inside this callback nor might any nonresource API be invoked. The callback reason is XmCRLISTITEMMEASURE. Calldata type is EwDrawnListDrawCallbackData. |
EwDrawnList also inherits resource and callback methods from EwDrawnList, EwLinearList, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
itemHeight: | CSG | 34 | Specifies the height of each list item in pixels. This includes the margin height on the top and bottom of the item and two pixels for emphasis. Unlike other extended list widgets, the value of this resource might not be nil. That is, all items must have the same height. This height is used in laying out the items into vertical columns. |
itemWidth: | CSG | 80 | Specifies the width of each list item in pixels. This includes the two pixels for emphasis. Unlike other extended list widgets, the value of this resource might not be nil. That is, all items must have the same width. This width is used in laying out the items into horizontal rows. |
EwFlowedIconList also inherits resource and callback methods from EwFlowedIconList, EwIconList, EwContainerList, EwLinearList, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
applicationDrawnBack- ground: | CSG | false | Specifies whether the application wants the drawBackgroundCallback to be triggered when an item's background needs to be drawn. If this value is false, then the widget will draw the default background for each selected and nonselected item. |
beginEditCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is about to be edited. The callback reason is XmCRBEGINEDIT. For editing to occur, the application must set calldata doit flag to true. It might also replace the editPolicy in the calldata with a custom edit policy appropriate for the item being edited. Calldata type is EwBeginEditCallbackData. |
drawBackground- Callback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item's background needs to be drawn. The callback reason is XmCRDRAWBACKGROUND. The applicationDrawnBackground resource must be true for this callback to be activated. Calldata type is EwIcon- ListdrawBackgroundCallbackData. |
endEditCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is done being edited. The callback reason is XmCRENDEDIT. This callback is activated whenever editing ends on an item or whenever the value changes during an edit. The application must hook this callback and use the calldata .brnewValue to update the value of the application objects. Calldata type is EwEndEditCallbackData. |
fontList: | CSG | CwFontList default | Specifies the font list associated with the list items. |
innerMargin: | CSG | 2 | Specifies the margin width to be used between each item's icon and its label. |
items: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | A collection that represents the itemsin the list. |
labelOrientation: | CSG | XmRIGHT | Specifies the orientation of each item's label with respect to its icon. Allowed values are as follows: XmRIGHT The label is to the right of the icon. XmBOTTOM The label is below each icon. |
selectedItems: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | A collection that represents currently selected items, either by the user or the application. |
selectionPolicy: | CSG | XmBROWSESELECT | Defines the interpretation of the selection action. Allowed values are as follows: XmSINGLESELECT Allows only single selections. XmMULTIPLESELECT Allows multiple selections. XmEXTENDEDSELECT Allows extended selections. XmBROWSESELECT Allows drag and browse functionality. XmREADONLYSELECT Allows navigation, but no selection or callbacks. |
visualInfoCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item's icon, label and isInUse indicator are needed. The callback reason is XmCRVISUALINFO. The application must hook this callback and set the calldata icon to the CgIcon (or other renderable object) to be displayed as the icon for the item in calldata item. It must also set the calldata label to the String (or other renderable object) to be displayed as the label for the item. No other resources might be set while inside this callback nor might any nonresource API be invoked. Calldata type is EwIconVisualInfoCallbackData. |
EwIconArea also inherits resource and callback methods from EwIconArea, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
beginEditCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is about to be edited. The callback reason is XmCRBEGINEDIT. For editing to occur, the application must set calldata doit: to true. It might also replace the editPolicy in the calldata with a custom edit policy appropriate for the item being edited. Calldata type is EwBeginEditCallbackData. |
emphasisPolicy: | CSG | XmSEPARATE | Specifies whether to draw the icon and label emphasis as a single rectangle (XmTOGETHER) or as two separate rectangles (XmSEPARATE). |
endEditCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is done being edited. The callback reason is XmCRENDEDIT. This callback is activated whenever editing ends on an item or whenever the value changes during an edit. The application must hook this callback and use the calldata newValue to update the value of the application objects. Calldata type is EwEndEditCallbackData. |
innerMargin: | CSG | 2 | Specifies the margin width to be used between each item's icon and its label. |
itemWidth: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the width of list items the in pixels. The value of this resource will be increased if any items are encountered in the list with a width exceeding the resource value. This resource is used to set the scrolling interval for the horizontal scroll bar. It is ignored if the scrollHorizontal resource is false. |
labelOrientation: | CSG | XmRIGHT | Specifies the orientation of each item's label with respect to its icon. Allowed values are as follows: XmRIGHT The label is to the right of the icon. XmBOTTOM The label is below each icon. |
visualInfoCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item's icon, label and isInUse indicator are needed. The callback reason is XmCRVISUALINFO. The application must hook this callback and set the calldata icon to the CgIcon (or other renderable object) to be displayed as the icon for the item in calldata item. It must also set the calldata label to the String (or other renderable object) to be displayed as the label for the item. No other resources might be set while inside this callback nor might any nonresource API be invoked. Calldata type is EwIconVisualInfoCallbackData. |
EwIconList also inherits resource and callback methods from ExIconList, EwContainerList, EwLinearlist, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
childrenCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item's list of children is needed. The callback reason is XmCRCHILDREN. The application must set the calldata children to the Collection of children objects of the item in calldata item. Calldata type is EwChildrenCallbackData. |
expandCollapse- Callback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is expanded or collapsed. The callback reason is XmCREXPAND or XmCRCOLLAPSE. Calldata type is EwListCallbackData. |
hierarchyPolicy: | CSG | EwHierarchyPolicy new | An instance or subclass of EwHierarchyPolicy that defines how to display and manage the hierarchy. |
itemCount | G | 0 | Specifies the total number of items. This number might not match the items resource because this number is the size of the expanded hierarchy. It is automatically updated by the list whenever an element is added to or deleted from the list. |
items: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | A collection that represents hierarchy root items in the list. |
EwIconTree also inherits resource and callback methods from EwIconTree, EwIconList, EwContainerList, EwLinearList, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
items: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | The collection of items to be displayed. |
SelectedItemCount | G | 0 | Specifies the number of objects in the selected item list. |
selectedItems: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | The collection of items that are currently selected, either by the user or the application. |
topItemPosition: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the integer position of the item that is the first visible item in the list. Setting this resource is equivalent to calling the setPos: function. The position of the first item in the list is 1; the position of the second item is 2; and so on. A position of 0 specifies the last item in the list. |
visibleItemCount | G | dynamic | Represents the number of items that can fit in the visible space of the list. Until the list is realized, the answer is 0. |
EwLinearList also inherits resource and callback methods from these classes: EwLinearList, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
backgroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that specifies the background drawing color. changing this resource depend on platform-specific styles and capabilities and vary from platform to platform. |
browseSelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is selected in the browse selection mode. The callback reason is XmCRBROWSESELECT. Calldata type is EwListSelectionCallbackData. |
defaultActionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is double clicked. The callback reason is XmCRDEFAULTACTION. Calldata type is EwListSelectionCallbackData. |
extendedSelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when items are selected using the extended selection mode. The callback reason is XmCREXTENDEDSELECT. Calldata type is EwListSelectionCallbackData. |
foregroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that specifies the foreground drawing color. Note: The particular aspects of the widget's appearance that are affected by changing this resource depend on platform-specific styles and capabilities and vary from platform to platform. |
itemCount | G | 0 | The total number of items. This number matches the items resource. It is automatically updated by the list whenever an element is added to or deleted from the list. |
items: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | The collection of items to be displayed. |
modifyVerifyCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the selection is about to be changed. The application might "undo" the selection change by setting the doit field of the calldata to false. Calldata type is CwConfirmationCallbackData. |
multipleSelection- Callback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is selected in multiple selection mode. The callback reason is XmCRMULTIPLESELECT. Calldata type is EwListSelectionCallbackData. |
scrollHorizontal: | CG | true | Specifies whether a horizontal scroll bar should be used for the list. This resource will only have an effect if the widget is created using the createScrolledWidget:- parent:argBlock: or createScrolledManagedWidget:- parent:argBlock: message. The horizontal scroll bar will always be present, even when the window is larger than the item width. |
selectionPolicy: | CSG | XmBROWSESELECT | Defines the interpretation of the selection action. Valid values are: XmSINGLESELECT Allows only single selections. XmMULTIPLESELECT Allows multiple selections. XmEXTENDEDSELECT Allows extended selections. XmBROWSESELECT Allows drag and browse functionality. XmREADONLYSELECT Allows navigation, but no selection or callbacks. |
singleSelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is selected in single selection mode. The callback reason is XmCRSINGLESELECT. Calldata type is EwListSelectionCallbackData. |
EwList also inherits resource and callback methods from EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
backgroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that specifies the background drawing color. Note: The particular aspects of the widget's appearance that are affected by changing this resource depend on platform-specific styles and capabilities and vary from platform to platform. |
currentPage: | CSG | dynamic | The instance of EwPage that is currently on top. |
fontList: | SG | CwFontList default | Specifies the font list for any text widget in the notebook. |
pageChangeCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called just before any switching of pages takes place. This event is triggered when a new page is being brought to the top in the receiver. The callback reason is XmCRPAGECHANGE. Calldata type is CwPageChangeCallbackData. |
EwNotebook also inherits resource and callback methods from EwNotebook, CwExtendedComposite, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
buttonFontList: | CSG | nil | Defines the font used for button children of the page (that is, push buttons and toggle buttons). This resource has no effect and is only provided for protocol compatiability with CwForm. |
cancelButton: | SG | nil | Specifies the widget that is the Cancel button. CwBulletinBoard subclasses, which define a Cancel button, set this resource. CwBulletinBoard does not directly provide any behavior for the button. This resource has no effect and is only provided for protocol compatibility with CwForm |
defaultButton: | SG | nil | Specifies the widget which is the default button.CwBulletinBoard subclasses, which define a default button, set this resource. CwBulletinBoard causes this button to be activated when the return key is pressed. This resource has no effect and is only provided for protocol compatibility with CwForm. |
fractionBase: | CSG | 100 | Specifies the denominator used in calculating the relative position of a child widget using XmATTACHPOSITION constraints. |
horizontalSpacing: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the offset for right and left attachments. |
labelFontList: | CSG | nil | Defines the font used for label children of the page. A value of nil specifies that the default font should be used. This resource has no effect and is only provided for protocol compatiability with CwForm. |
marginHeight: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the minimum spacing in pixels between the top or bottom edge of the page and any child widget. |
marginWidth: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the minimum spacing in pixels between the left or right edge of the page and any child widget. |
pageEnterCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called just before a page is to be managed. This happens when the receiver is being brought to the top in a parent notebook. The callback reason is XmCRPAGEENTER. Calldata type isCwAnyCallbackData. |
pageLabel: | CSG | nil | Specifies the String to place in the status label. Note: This resource is ignored if the page is added to an EwWINNotebook. |
pageLeaveCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called just before a page is to be unmanaged. This happens when another page is being brought to the top in a parent notebook. By setting the doit field in the callback structure to false, the change to the new page will not take place The callback reason is XmCRPAGELEAVE. Calldata type isCwConfirmationCallbackData. |
resizePolicy: | CSG | XmRESIZEANY | Controls the policy for resizing the page's widgets. Allowed values are as follows: XmRESIZENONE Fixed size. XmRESIZEANY Shrink or grow as needed. XmRESIZEGROW Grow only. |
rubberPositioning: | CSG | false | Indicates the default attachment for a child of the page. If this resource is set to false, then the left and top of the child is by default attached to the left and top side of the page. If this resource is set to true, then the child is by default attached to its initial position in the page. |
tabBackgroundColor: | CSG | nil | A CgRGBColor that specifies the color to draw the background of the page's tab. |
tabLabel: | CSG | nil | Specifies the renderable object to draw in the page's tab. |
tabType: | CG | XmMAJOR | Specifies the type of tab to use for the page. Allowed values are as follows: XmMAJOR These are the primary pages of a notebook. XmMINOR These are essentially children of the major page they are added after. They display only after their parent major page is displayed They appear perpendicular to the major tabs. XmNONE These are major pages with no tabs. Note: This resource is ignored if the page is added to a EwWINNotebook. |
textFontList: | CSG | nil | Specifies the font list used for the page's text children. If the buttonFontList resource is not specified, then this resource is also used for buttons. If the labelFontList resource is not specified, then this resource is also used for labels. This resource has no effect and is only provided for protocol compatibility with CwForm. |
verticalSpacing: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the offset for top and bottom attachments. |
EwPage also inherits resource and callback methods from EwPage, CwExtendedComposite, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
backPagePosition: | CSG | XmBOTTOMRIGHT | Specifies where the simulated back pages appear. Allowed values are as follows: XmBOTTOMRIGHT Back pages are drawn bottom and right. XmTOPRIGHT Back pages are drawn top and left. |
bindingType: | CSG | XmNONE | Determines the style of binding displayed along the edge of the notebook across major tabs. Allowed values are as follows: XmNONE No binding is drawn. XmSOLID A solid binding is drawn. XmSPIRAL A spiral pixmap is drawn. |
foregroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that specifies the foreground drawing color. Note: The particular aspects of the widget's appearance that are affected by changing this resource depend on platform-specific styles and capabilities and vary from platform to platform. |
majorTabHeight: | CSG | 25 | Specifies the height of the notebook's major tabs in pixels. |
majorTabWidth: | CSG | 50 | Specifies the width of the notebook's major tabs in pixels. |
minorTabHeight: | CSG | 25 | Specifies the height of the notebook's minor tabs in pixels. |
minorTabWidth: | CSG | 50 | Specifies the width of the notebook's minor tabs in pixels. |
orientation: | CSG | XmHORIZONTAL | Specifies on what plane the pages turn. The major tabs being opposite the binding. Allowed values are as follows: XmHORIZONTAL Major tabs appear on the right and minor tabs are either on the top or bottom depending on the back page position. XmVERTICAL Major tabs are either on the top or bottom depending on the back page position and minor tabs appear on the right. |
pageButtonHeight: | CSG | 20 | Specifies the height of the notebook's page buttons in pixels. A value of 0 means there are no buttons or page label visible. |
pageButtonWidth: | CSG | 20 | Specifies the width of the notebook's page buttons in pixels. A value of 0 means there are no buttons or page label visible. |
EwPMNotebook also inherits resource and callback methods from these classes: EwPMNotebook, EwNotebook, CwExtendedComposite, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
EwScrollable does not define any additional resource or callback methods. EwScrollable inherits resource and callback mehtods from EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
activeScale: | CSG | XmTOPORLEFT | Specifies which scale is the active scale. The active scale indicates the scale to be used when positioning the slider arm. Allowed values are as follows: XmTOPORLEFT Top or left scale, depending on the value of the orientation resource. XmBOTTOMORRIGHT Bottom or right scale, depending on the value of the orientation resource. |
bottomOrRightScale- Resolution | CSG | 1 | Specifies the size of the increments between the minimum and maximum values for the bottom or right scale. For example, a resolution of 2 for a scale with min = 0 and max = 100 would result in increments 0, 2, 4, 6,...,100. |
bottomOrRightScale- ShaftIncrement: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the amount to be added to or subtracted form the current value when the left mouse button is pressed inside the shaft to the left or right of the slider arm, respectively. The value of this resource must be a multiple of the bottomOrRightScaleResolution resource.If the shaft increment is not a multiple of the resolution, it is added to the current value, then rounded to the nearest multiple of the resolution, with the result being a minimum movement of one resolution unit. |
bottomOrRightScale- Value: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the value associated with the slider's current position along the bottom or right scale, between the minimum and maximum. If the value is out of range, the current value is set to the current maximum or minimum, whichever is closer. This is equivalent to sending setCurrentValue:notify: with the notify parameter set to true. |
bottomOrRightScale- Max: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's maximum value for the bottom or right scale. The value of this resource must be greater than the bottomOrRightScaleMin resource value. |
bottomOrRightScale- Min: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's minimum value for the bottom or right scale.The value of this resource must be less than the value of the bottomOrRightScaleMax resource. |
buttonStyle: | CSG | XmBUTTONSNONE | Specifies where buttons should be displayed relative to the shaft. Allowed values are: XmBUTTONSSPLIT One button on either end of the shaft. XmBUTTONSBEGINNING For vertical sliders, both buttons above shaft; for horizontal sliders, both buttons to the left of the shaft. XmBUTTONSEND For vertical sliders, both buttons below shaft; for horizontal sliders, both buttons to the right of the shaft. XmBUTTONSNONE No buttons. |
currentValue: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the value associated with the slider's current position along the active scale, between the minimum and maximum. |
dragCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the slider position changes as the arm is being dragged. The reason is XmCRDRAG. Calldata type is EwSliderValuesCallbackData |
focusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before the slider has accepted input focus. The reason is XmCRFOCUS. Calldata type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
fontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list used for any text widget. |
horizontalMargin: | CSG | 12 | Specifies the number of pixels to be used as a margin between the slider components (scales, shaft, buttons) and the left and right edges of the widget's area. |
losingFocusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before the slider loses input focus. The reason is XmCRLOSINGFOCUS. Calldata type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
orientation: | CSG | XmHORIZONTAL | Specifies whether slider should be displayed vertically or horizontally. Allowed values are XmHORIZONTAL and XmVERTICAL. |
readOnly: | CSG | false | Specifies whether the slider is being used as a read-only status indicator. If so, the value of the ribbonStrip resource is set to true and no slider arm or buttons are displayed. |
ribbonStrip: | CSG | false | Specifies whether the area between the minimum and the slider arm should be filled. This is automatically set to true if the valueof the readOnly resource is set to true. |
snapToResolution: | CSG | true | Specifies the current snap policy, which regulates the positioning of the slider arm when the mouse button is released after dragging. The slider's current value will always be a multiple of the resolution, regardless of the snap policy. The resource value true means align the slider arm with the nearest scale value (the nearest multiple of the resolution). The resource value false means do not adjust the position of the slider arm. The value will still be a factor of the resolution, but the arm might be positioned between scale values. |
thickness: | CSG | 16 | Specifies the slider shaft thickness in pixels. The size of the slider arm is automatically adjusted. Specifying a size of less than 3 pixels will result in the value of the resource being set to 3. |
topOrLeftScaleMax: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's maximum value for the top or left scale.The value of this resource must be greater than the value of the topOrLeftScaleMin resource. |
topOrLeftScaleMin: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the slider's minimum value for the top or left scale.The value of this resource must be less than the value of the topOrLeftScaleMax resource. |
topOrLeftScale- Resolution | CSG | 1 | Specifies the size of the increments between the minimum and maximum values for the top or left scale. For example, a resolution of 2 for a scale with min = 0 and max = 100 would result in increments 0, 2, 4, 6,...,100. |
topOrLeftScale- ShaftIncrement: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the amount to be added to or subtracted form the current value when the left mouse button is pressed inside the shaft above or below the slider arm, respectively. The value of this resource must be a multiple of the topOrleftScaleResolution resource.If the shaft increment is not a multiple of the resolution, it is added to the current value, then rounded to the nearest multiple of the resolution, with the result being a minimum movement of one resolution unit. |
topOrLeftScaleValue: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the value associated with the slider's current position along the top or left scale, between the minimum and maximum. If the value is out of range, the current value is set to the current maximum or minimum, whichever is closer. This is equivalent to sending setCurrentValue:notify: with the notify parameter set to true. |
valueChangedCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the value of the slider has changed. This is called as the result of a button press, arrow key press, or releasing the slider arm after a drag. The reason is XmCRVALUECHANGED. Calldata type is EwSliderValuesCallbackData. |
verticalMargin: | CSG | 12 | Specifies the number of pixels to be used as a margin between the slider components (scales, shaft, buttons) and the top and bottom edges of the widget's area. |
EwSlider also inherits resource and callback methods from EwSlider, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
activateCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the default action key is pressed. The callback reason is XmCRACTIVATE. Calldata type is CwValueCallbackData. |
backgroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that represents the background color of the entry field area. |
decrementCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the spin button value decreases by one step. This can happen either when the down arrow key is pressed or the down arrow button is selected with the mouse. The callback reason is XmCRDECREMENT. Calldata type is CwValueChangedCallbackData. |
editable | CSG | true | Specifies whether users can edit text in the entry field part of the spin button. |
focusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before the entry field has accepted input focus. The callback reason is XmCRFOCUS. Calldata type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
fontList: | CSG | dynamic | Specifies the font list used for any text widget. |
foregroundColor: | CSG | dynamic | A CgRGBColor that represents the background color of the entry field area |
increment: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the amount to increase or decrease a numeric spin button when the corresponding arrow is selected. Because button semantics designate whether the increment is added to or subtracted form the current value, all increment values specified are absolute values. If the itemType is XmSBSTRING this resource is ignored. |
incrementCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the spin button value increases by one step. This can happen either when the up arrow key is pressed or the up arrow button is selected with the mouse. The callback reason is XmCRINCREMENT. Calldata type is CwValueChangedCallbackData. |
items: | CSG | nil | A collection of strings that is the list of items in a spin button with the itemType resource set to XmSBSTRING. |
itemType: | CG | XmSBNUMERIC | Specifies the type of items in the spin button. Allowed values are XmSBNUMERIC and XmSBSTRING. |
losingfocusCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before the entry field loses input focus. The callback reason is XmCRLOSINGFOCUS. Calldata type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
maximum: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the spin button's maximum value for spin buttons whith the itemType resource set to XmSBNUMERIC. |
minimum: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the spin button's minimum value for spin buttons whith the itemType resource set to XmSBNUMERIC. |
modifyVerifyCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before text is deleted form or inserted into the entry field. The callback reason is XmCRMODIFYINGTEXTVALUE. Calldata type is CwTextVerifyCallbackData. |
value: | CSG | 0 | A String or Integer that represents the current value of the entry field. |
valueChangedCallback | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called after text is deleted form or inserted into the entry field. The callback reason is XmCRVALUECHANGED. Calldata type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
wrap: | CSG | true | Specifies whether the spin button should cycle or stop upon reaching the end of the collection for a spin button with an itemType of XmSBSTRING, or maximum or minimum value for a numeric spin button (itemType is XmSBNUMERIC). |
EwSpinButton also inherits resource and callback methods from EwSpinButton, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
beginEditCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is about to be edited. The callback reason is XmCRBEGINEDIT. For editing to occur, the application must the set calldata doit: flag to true. It might also replace the editPolicy in the calldata with a custom edit policy appropriate for the cell being edited. Calldata type is EwBeginEditCallbackData. |
cellValueCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item's cell value is needed for this column. The callback reason is XmCRCELLVALUE. The application must hook this callback and set the calldata value to the renderable object to appear in the cell specified in the calldata. Calldata type is EwCellValueCallbackData. |
editable: | CSG | true | Specifies whether the cells in this column are editable. For a cell to be editable, the table widget must be editable, the column must be editable, and the application must hook the beginEditCallback and set the calldata doit flag to true. |
endEditCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is done being edited. The callback reason is XmCRENDEDIT. This callback is activated whenever editing ends on a cell or whenever the value changes during an edit. The application must hook this callback and use the calldata newValue to set the changed value of the apporpriate application objects. Calldata type is EwEndEditCallbackData. |
etched: | CSG | false | Specifies whether this column is to be etched. If the table's visualStyle is XmETCHCELLS, then this resource determines whether all cells in this column are to be drawn as etched. Any other value for the table's visualStyle causes this resource to be ignored. |
heading: | CSG | nil | Any renderable objects (such as a String or CgIcon) that specifies the heading object to be displayed at the top of the column. The height of the heading row is the maximum of the heights of the headings of the columns. |
horizontalAlignment: | CSG | XmALIGNMENT- BEGINNING | Specifies how the cells in this column should be aligned horizontally. Allowed values are XmALIGNMENTBEGINNING, XmALIGNMENTCENTER, and XmALIGNMENTEND. |
horizontalHeading- Alignment: | CSG | XmALIGNMENT- BEGINNING | Specifies how the columns heading should be aligned horizontally. Allowed values are XmALIGNMENTBEGINNING, XmALIGNMENTCENTER, and XmALIGNMENTEND. |
outerWidth: | SG | dynamic | Specifies the width of the column in pixels. This does include the width of any emphasis or vertical separator. |
resizable: | CSG | false | Specifies whether the column is resizable by users. If true, users can drag the right side of the column heading to change the column width. |
resizeCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when the column is resized by users. The callback reason is XmCRRESIZE. Calldata type is CwAnyCallbackData. |
showInUse: | CSG | false | Specifies whether in-use emphasis should be displayed in the column for each list item. |
userData: | CSG | nil | An Object that represents the user data for the column. |
verticalAlignment: | CSG | XmALIGNMENT- BEGINNING | Specifies how the cells in this column should be aligned vertically. Allowed values are XmALIGNMENTBEGINNING, XmALIGNMENTCENTER, and XmALIGNMENTEND. |
verticalSeparator- Thickness: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the thickness of the line shown to the right of each cell in the column. |
width: | CSG | 32 | Specifies the width of the column in pixels. This does not includes the width of any emphasis or vertical separator. |
EwTableColumn also inherits resource and callback methods from EwTableColumn and Object. |
cellBlockSelection- Callback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called whenever a block of cells is selected in block selection mode. The reason is XmCRCELLBLOCKSELECT. Calldata type is EwTableListSelectionCallbackData. |
cellSingleSelection- Callback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is selected in cell single selection mode. The reason is XmCRCELLSINGLESELECT. Calldata type is EwTableListSelectionCallbackData. |
columnHeading- SelectionCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when a column heading, or set of headings, is selected or deselected. The reason is XmCRCOLUMNHEADINGSELECT. Calldata type is EwColumnHeading- SelectionCallbackData. |
columns: | CSG | #() | An Array of EwTableColumns that specifies the columns to be used to display information about each item in the table. |
editable: | CSG | false | Specifies whether the cells in the table are editable. For a cell to be editable, the table widget must be editable, the column must be editable, and the application must hook the beginEditCallback and set the calldata doit flag to true. |
headingSeparator- Thickness: | CSG | 1 | Specifies the thickness of the horizontal line separating the column headings form the rest of the table. |
items: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | A collection that represents the items in the list. |
itemWidth | G | 1 | Specifies the width in pixels of items in the list. The value of this resource will be set to the sum of the widths of the columns plus some number of pixels per column for emphasis and separator. This resource is used to set the scrolling interval for the horizontal scroll bar. It is ignored if the scrollHorizontal resource is false. |
lockedColumns: | CSG | 0 | Specifies the number of columns to be locked on the left side of the table. For instance, a value of 2 means that the first 2 columns in the table is locked. A column can be locked only if its preceding column is also locked. When scrolling, the locked columns remain fixed on the left side and all other columns scroll under the locked columns. This value must be no greater than the total number of columns. |
rowSeparators: | CSG | false | Specifies whether the rows are separated by a horizontal line. |
selectableColumns: | CSG | false | Specifies whether users might select columns by clicking on their headings. |
selectedCell | G | nil | Represents a Point whose x component is the index of the column of the selected cell and whose y component is the index of the item (row) of the selected cell. If nil, then no cell is selected. Note: This resource is only relevant if the selection policy is XmCELLSINGLESELECT. |
selectedCells | G | nil | Represents a Collection of Points, each of whose x component is the index of the column of the selected cell and whose y component is the index of the item (row) of the selected cell. If empty, then no cell is selected. Note: This resource is only relevant if the selection policy is XmCELLSINGLESELECT or XmCELLEXTENDEDSELECT. |
selectedColumns: | CSG | #() | An Array of EwTableColumn that specifies the currently selected columns. The columns given must all be members of the columns resource. |
selectionPolicy: | CSG | XmBROWSESELECT | Defines the interpretation of the selection action. Allowed values are as follows: XmSINGLESELECT Allows only single selections. XmMULTIPLESELECT Allows multiple selections. XmEXTENDEDSELECT Allows extended selections. XmBROWSESELECT Allows drag and browse functionality XmREADONLYSELECT Allows navigation, but no selection or callbacks. XmCELLSINGLESELECT Allows single selection of cells. If the widget and the column are editable, then selecting a cell causes it to be edited. |
separatorsToExtremes: | CSG | false | Specifies whether row and column separators are to be extended to the extreme right and bottom edges of the table. |
visualStyle: | CSG | XmFLAT | Defines how cells are displayed. Allowed values are as follows: XmFLAT Looks like a list box. XmETCHROWS Each row is etched. XmETCHCELLS Each cell in an etched column is individually etched. Note: Setting the visual style after the widget is displayed causes the background color to be set to the OS defaults for the visual style given. This means that to override this default, you might need to set the background color again. |
EwTableList also inherits resource and callback methods from EwTableList, EwContainerList, EwLinearList, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
childrenCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item's list of children is needed. The callback reason is XmCRCHILDREN. The application must set the calldata children to the collection of children objects of the item in calldata item. Calldata type is EwChildrenCallbackData. |
expandCollapseCallback: | C | OrderedCollection new | Specifies the list of callbacks that is called when an item is expanded or collapsed. The callback reason is XmCREXPAND or XmCRCOLLAPSE. Calldata type is EwListCallbackData. |
hierarchyPolicy: | CSG | EwHierarchyPolicy new | An instance of EwHierarchyPolicy (or a subclass) that defines how to display and manage the hierarchy. |
itemCount | G | 0 | Specifies the total number of items. This number might not match the items resource because this number is the size of the expanded hierarchy. It is automatically updated by the list whenever an element is added to or deleted from the list. |
items: | CSG | OrderedCollection new | A collection that represents hierarchy root items in the list. |
EwTableTree also inherits resource and callback methods from EwTableTree, EwTableList, EwContainerList, EwLinearList, EwList, EwScrollable, CwExtendedPrimitive, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |
tabHeight: | CG | 25 | The height of the page tabs in pixels. |
tabsPerRow: | CSG | 3 | The number of pages tables displayed in a single row. |
EwWINNotebook also inherits resource and callback methods from EwWINNotebook, EwNotebook, CwExtendedComposite, CwExtendedWidget, and CwWidget. |