Testing the card game

to test the part.
Flip the card deck. The cards should all be face-down. Shuffle the deck. The cards have been rearranged but remain face-down. Create a new player. A BlackJackPlayerHand window should appear with a title of Player 0. Create another new player. A second BlackJackPlayerHand window should appear with a title of Player 1.
Now you are ready to start playing Black Jack. Select New hand from the Game menu. Each player should be dealt two cards. One card will be face-up and the other face-down.
Flip the face-down card in each of the hands. You should be able to see the card's suit and value. Flip the card so it is face down again. Select Take a card from the pop-up menu of each player's hand. Flip the face-down cards in each hand so that they are face-up.
When you finish playing the hand, select New hand from the Game menu. The cards that were in the players' hands now appear in the discard deck and two new cards are in each player's hand.
Extra practice
Get some of your colleagues together in your office. Create a new player for everyone present. Deal a new hand. The person with the lowest face-up card buys the coffee!
Have fun!
Last modified date: 06/11/2018