Testing the application
These instructions work for both the prebuilt sample and the sample you just constructed. To run the prebuilt sample, replace MyTCPSampleServerView with AbtTCPEchoServer and MyTCPSampleSocketView with AbtTCPEchoClient in the following instructions.
Test your parts as follows:
1. On the Organizer, select MyTCPSampleServerView. From the Parts menu, select Test to test your server part.
2. Type the name of your machine in the Host name Text part.
3. Type an available port number in the Port Text part (try 1302).
4. Select Start.
You should see the following in your Transcript window.
Host name obtained
Host port obtained
Host socket obtained
Host bind ok
Listen ok
Still listening. . .
5. On the Organizer, select MyTCPSampleSocketView. From the Parts menu, select Test to test your client part.
6. Type the name of your machine in the Remote name Text part. This is the same name you used in the server part.
7. Type the remote port number in the Remote port Text part. This is the same port you used in the server part.
8. Type a string with some lowercase letters in the Data sent Text part in the client window.
9. Select the Send push button.
You should see the same characters in upper case in the Data received Text part of the client. The same strings should also be visible in the server window. You should see the following added to your Transcript window:
Accept ok
Server receive ok
Server send ok with data:
<<the string you typed>>
Client close ok
Still listening. . .
10. Select Stop in the server window.
11. Try sending another string from the client. You should see the following in the Last error Text part in the client window:
Close your test windows.
Last modified date: 05/21/2020