3270 Screen Actions
The clearInput action erases all the fields on the screen that are represented by the inputFields attribute. The clearInput action does not clear the contents of the inputFields record, only the actual screen fields.
The destroyPart action destroys the part and its children, and releases all associated resources. You can use this action for both visual and nonvisual parts. All connections to the destroyed part are removed.
The disableScreen action makes the screen unavailable for input.
The enableScreen action makes the screen available for input.
The getData action fills in both the inputFields and outputFields records with the data that is currently on the screen.
The press5250PgDown action sends the 5250 PgDown key.
The press5250PgUp action sends the 5250 PgUp key.
The pressClear action sends the Clear key.
The pressEnter action sends the Enter key.
pressPA: (Integer)
The pressPA: action sends the PA key whose number is given as a parameter. For example, if the passed parameter is a 2, then the PA2 key is sent.
pressPF: (Integer)
The pressPF: action sends the PF key whose number is given as a parameter. For example, if the passed parameter is a 3, then the PF3 key is sent.
The putData: action writes the current contents of the input fields record to the screen. Only the changed fields are updated.
The refreshFieldDefs action determines the starting point and length of each of the inputFields and outputFields definitions for the fields defined on the screen.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015