You can start the VAST Environments tool by doing one of the following:
For Windows:
From the Installed Programs folder (VAST Platform 2024) on the Start menu, launch VAST 2024 Environments 13.0.0x64. (VAST 2024 Environments 13.0.0x86 for a 32-bit installation.)
You may also start VAST Environments by double-clicking on the VAST Environments icon

on your desktop.
For Linux (UNIX):
From a shell command prompt in the user’s product directory, type vast. (If you need to start the VAST Environments tool for a specific 32- or 64-bit installation, type vasetup_130032bit for 32-bit installations or vasetup_130064bit for 64-bit installations).
VA Smalltalk Environments looks something like this:
Last modified date: 01/24/2024