Adding a List part
To create the list in which the to-do items are displayed, you need to add a List part and another Label part:
1. Select the Lists category

, then select the List part

and add it in the Window part below the Text part.
2. You can quickly add a Label part for the list part by copying the one for the Text part. To copy a part, select it and then do the following:
a. From the Edit pull-down menu, select Copy.
b. From the Edit pull-down menu, select Paste.
c. The pointer changes to a cross-hair, indicating that it is now loaded with the part you selected. Click mouse button 1 just above the List part to add the new label.
3. Change the new Label part's text to To-do list by directly editing it like you did for the Window label.
For Windows:
You can also copy a part using the Ctrl key. Position the mouse pointer over the Label part, hold down the Ctrl key, and drag the copy of the part to just above the List part
Last modified date: 05/11/2020