Attribute-to-attribute connections
To display the contents of the ordered collection in the list, you need to make an attribute-to-attribute connection between the Ordered Collection part and the List part.
The purpose of this connection is to keep the items displayed in the list synchronized with the actual items maintained in the ordered collection. With this attribute-to-attribute connection, when an item is added or removed from the ordered collection, the items displayed in the list are automatically updated to the new contents of the ordered collection.
The content of the ordered collection is referenced through the self attribute and the items displayed in the list are referenced through the items attribute. The Ordered Collection part does not have a contents or items attribute because it is the Ordered Collection part itself that contains the items to be displayed and the order in which they are to be displayed. So, you make the attribute-to-attribute connection between the Ordered Collection part's self attribute and the List part's items attribute.
Making the attribute-to-attribute connection
To make this attribute-to-attribute connection, do the following:
1. To start the connection, display the pop-up menu for the Ordered Collection part and select Connect, then self.
2. The mouse pointer changes to

indicating that you are in the process of making a connection.
3. If you accidentally started the wrong connection, use the Esc key to cancel it.
4. To complete the connection, click mouse button 1 on the List part. Select items from the pop-up menu that appears.
5. A connection line is now displayed from the Ordered Collection part to the List part.
For Windows:
The connection menu is the menu associated with the Connect menu choice on a part's pop-up menu. The connection menu contains the most frequently used features when making connections. This shortened list is often referred to as the preferred connection list.
The connection menu is displayed when you select Connect from the part's pop-up menu and when you click on the target part for the connection.
Last modified date: 05/11/2020