Example: Change a part's settings
1. Open the Text part's Properties window.
2. In the object field, specify initial contents such as c:.
3. For the Multiple Select List part, select the framingSpec field and open the framing spec dialog. Change the part's attachments as follows:
a. Select Top, then select XmATTACHWIDGET as the attachment type, specify an Offset of 10, and specify the Text part as the target.
b. Select Bottom, then select XmATTACHFORM as the attachment type, and specify an Offset of 1.
c. Select Left, then select XmATTACHFORM as the attachment type, and specify an Offset of 1.
d. Select Right, then select XmATTACHFORM as the attachment type, and specify an Offset of 1.
e. Select OK.
4. Close the Properties window.
These are the only changes that need to be made in Properties windows for parts in DirectoryView. You can otherwise keep the default values.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019