How Do I ... : Web Services Tips, Hints and FAQs : How can I enable a VAST client service to send SOAP 1.2 messages?
How can I enable a VAST client service to send SOAP 1.2 messages?
VAST Web services client containers can be configured to enable processing of SOAP 1.2 messages. This is accomplished by deploying SOAP 1.2 schemas and mapping specifications to the client container. In addition, SstWSService instances contain accessors to allow the SOAP 1.2 namespace to be specified for outgoing SOAP messages.
| service |
service := (SstWSContainer containerNamed: 'MyContainer')
serviceManager serviceNamed: 'SstWSInsurancePolicyInterface'
inNamespace: ''.
service sstSoapEnvelopeNamespace: SstSoap12Constants::SstSoap12EnvelopeNamespace.
See the sample directory /samples/sstws/soap12/Readme.txt for additional information about configuring a Web services container for SOAP 1.2.
Last modified date: 04/08/2023