Instance methods
Answers the receiver's error number for comparison with the error constants in the SciConstants pool.
Although the same errors are supported on all platforms, the integer values answered by this method may not be the same on all platforms, and are subject to change. To compare error numbers with the result of this message, use the error constants defined in the SciConstants pool dictionary rather than integer literals.
Answers the identifier representing the error reported by the receiver. This is a <universalString> which is equal to the key in the SciConstants that is associated with the receiver's error number.
Application documentation should refer to errors by their identifiers rather than by value since error values may differ between platforms, and are subject to change.
Answer true.
Answers a description of the error reported by the receiver. Answers a <universalString> describing the error reported by the receiver.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015