Programmer Reference : Secure Socket Layer (SSL) : The SciSslOpenSSLInterface Subapplication
The SciSslOpenSSLInterface Subapplication
The SciSslOpenSSLInterface performs the OpenSSL API calls on behalf of an application and is responsible for forming the connection between OpenSSL and the general SSL Interface defined in SciSslSocketInterface.
This flexibility allows developers to interface to another SSL implementation while requiring minimal changes to the SciSslSocketInterface application.
This OpenSSL-specific subapplication contains a module subapplication (SciSslOpenSSLInterfaceSSL) which defines the various OpenSSL implementation objects for SSL/TLS. These objects will be injected into the various Interface objects defined in SciSslSocketInterface.
The following is the list of SSL/TLS Implementation Objects (OSObjects).
OSSslSSLCtx - represents a pointer to an SSL context object.
OSSslSSLSession - represents a pointer to an SSL session object.
OSSslSSL - represents a pointer to an SSL connection object.
OSSslSSLCipher - represents a pointer to the result of a cipher query on the OSSslSSL connection object.
OSSslSSLMethod - Factory object whose instances represent a pointer to an SSL/TLS protocol method.
Three Pool Dictionaries are defined within this subapplication that provide binding assistance to the OpenSSL shared libraries.
SSL/TLS constants defined in various OpenSSL header files.
SSL/TLS Platform Functions which bind to OpenSSL SSL/TLS functions.
SSL/TLS return codes from connection operations.
Last modified date: 12/02/2016