COBOL External Function
Select the COBOL External Function part to access a COBOL function from the VA Smalltalk environment. By connecting to the COBOL External Function part, other parts can call the external function, pass parameters to the function, and retrieve the results from the function.
To use the COBOL External Function part, you must have access to one of the following:
•A COBOL copy library file defining the records used by the function
•The source code for the COBOL program
VA Smalltalk can parse COBOL source code and copybooks to determine what parameters are passed. VA Smalltalk objects can be used as parameters to COBOL procedures, and VA Smalltalk handles any data type conversion necessary.
COBOL External Function

External Functions

Class Name:
To display the pop-up menu for the part, click with mouse button 2 on the part.
To further define the appearance and function of a part, double-click on it to open the properties window.
Last modified date: 09/20/2018