Social security number Customize fields
In the Minimum field, type the lower limit for the range of values that will be accepted as valid.
In the Maximum field, type the upper limit for the range of values that will be accepted as valid.
Default value
Under Default value, select one of the following the default values to use if the field does not receive a value at run time:
Current date
Set the default date to the current system date at run time.
Constant date
Set the default to the value specified in the adjacent field.
No default value is provided.
For a part that receives direct user input (such as a text entry field), the value specified in the Default field is used only if a user interacts with the field but leaves it empty. If the field never receives input focus, its value remains nil.
Use the Preview fields to preview how the current settings values affect the object that will be created based on the input value. The area to the right of the text entry field shows how the text in that field is converted into the appropriate data type based upon the current settings.
If the displayed value is wider than the display area, use the


button to scroll the contents.
Last modified date: 08/17/2018