Mapping Information page
On the Exception Mapping Information page, specify the basic identifying information about the Smalltalk class and Java exception you are mapping to one another. If a mapping already exists for the specified class, the fields show the current values, which you can edit. Specify the following information:
•Specify the superclass of the Java class in the
What is the superclass of this Java class field. You can either enter a name directly or browse by selecting


to show available choices from the Java repository in the Smalltalk image or the VisualAge for Java image. All Java classes should be contained in a package.
•Specify the name of the Smalltalk class in the What Smalltalk class do you want to use field. You can edit the field directly or select Browse to select from classes in the image.
When you have finished specifying the class information, select Next to continue to the next page.
Last modified date: 09/19/2018