Applications Menu Commands
View | All Applications
View all of the loaded applications.
View | All Visual Applications
View all of the visual applications. These are applications containing WindowBuilder or Composition Editor view definitions.
View | Applications Matching Prefixes
View all of the applications matching a set of user selected prefixes.
View | Applications Needing Versioning
View all of the applications needing to be versioned.
View | Applications Managed by “Current User”
View all of the applications managed by the current user.
View | Set Application Prefixes
Set the list of prefixes used to filter the applications list. The list of prefixes is dynamically determined from the list of loaded applications.
View | Add Application Prefix
Add an arbitrary string to the list of prefixes used to filter the applications list.
View | Set Open Edition Prefix Character
with thanks to S. Sridhar
Specify the character to use to prefix open and scratch editions of applications. Only available when enhanced list support is turned off.
View | Change User
Change to a different user. Only users that manage applications will be listed.
Consolidates all of the import/export commands.
Import/Export | Import New Names
Sets the policy used when encountering new application or class version names during import. If the version names in the import library differ from the names already present in the current library, the new version names may be “Always Accepted”, “Always Rejected”. If set to “Always Ask”, the system will prompt the user for how to proceed.
Import/Export | Export Library Format
Defines the default export file format. Choices include “16GB (New Format)”, “1GB (Old Format)” and “Always Ask”. VA 4.5 or above only.
Subapplications | Release To Existing Configs
Releases the new editions of the selected subapplications to the same configurations as the existing editions. For example, if a subapplication appears in two out of four platform dependent configurations, this command will release the new edition into only the two configurations that it had previously been released to. This eliminates the need to open an Application Editions browser to examine the configurations before releasing the subapplications into the appropriate ones.
View | "Needing Versioning"
View all of the Configuration Maps that has at least one edition without a version.
Configuration Maps | Locate Selected Applications
Find the current (e.g., most recent) config maps containing the selected applications by name.
Configuration Maps | Locate Maps For | Current Edition
Find the specific config map editions containing the selected application edition.
Configuration Maps | Locate Maps For | Any Editions
Find all of the config map editions containing any editions of the selected application.
Configuration Maps | Release Selected Applications
Release the current editions of the selected applications into their containing config maps and optionally propagate the changes throughout the entire config map hierarchy.
Configuration Maps | Release Other Editions
Release the other editions of the selected applications into their containing config maps and optionally propagate the changes throughout the entire config map hierarchy.
Configuration Maps | Propagate Changes
Indicates whether config map changes should be propagated throughout the entire config map hierarchy.
Configuration Maps | Create New Editions As Necessary
Indicates whether new config map editions should be created in the event that no open edition currently exists.
Configuration Maps | Update Required map Lineups | Update Required Map Lineups
Indicates which required map lineups should be updated when config map changes are being propagated. If set to “All”, all lineups will be update. If set to “Valid”, only currently valid lineups will be updated. If set to “Current”, all lineups that are currently up to date will be updated. If set to “Filtered”, only lineups not matching any expressions in the filter list will be updated. Additional options are also presented to allow the use to edit the current filter list, add a filer or clear all of the filters.
Create & Release New Edition

Combines the Create New Edition and Release To Existing Configs commands. When creating a new subapplication edition, this is the ideal command to use. This command will recursively create and release editions of any parent applications if necessary.
Rename Version | Classes

Provide new version names for all of the classes within the selected applications that have changed since a specified cutoff date.
Rename Version | Applications

Provide new versions names for all of the selected applications.
Rename Version | Both
Provide new versions names for all of the selected applications and the classes within them.
Rename Version | Include Subapplications
Provide new versions names for all of the selected applications, their subapplications and the classes within them.
Rename Version | Reset Cutoff Dates
Reset the default cutoff date to 1-1-93.
Version | Include Subapplications & Classes
Recursively version all of the selected applications, their subapplications and the classes within them.
Version | Allow Any Name
When turned on, this command allows you to specify any version name for an edition regardless of whether the name has been used in the past. This makes it easy to correct naming mistakes or create new versions with the same name as a prior version.
Groups | Add Users
Add a user to all of the selected applications.
Groups | Delete Users
Delete a user from all of the selected applications.
Groups | Replace Users
Replace one or more users in all of the selected applications with another user. If the original users owned any classes or managed any applications, the new user will become the new owner of those classes and the new manager or those applications.
Groups | Include Subapplications
Apply the above changes to all of the subapplications within the hierarchies of the selected applications.
Enhanced all of these commands to apply to multiple selected applications (as opposed to only one application at a time).