Building the reply page
To build the reply page, follow these steps:
1. In the Organizer, create a new part called WebExampleReplyPage. Specify Web Connection part as the part type. In the Composition Editor, you should see a single subpart, a Page, on the free-form surface.
2. Select Text from the Web Connection category. Place the Text part within the Page. Repeat this two more times, so you have a total of three Text parts.
3. Hold down the Alt key and click mouse button 1 on the first Text part. Then change the text so it reads:
followed by a space.
4. Open the properties of the third Text part.
5. Select the object property. In the Value field, select the ... button to open a prompter where you can edit the text. This prompter is useful for entering long blocks of text.
6. In the prompter, change the text of the part so it reads:
! Welcome to Web Connection!
7. Select OK to close the prompter.
8. Select Form Data from the Web Connection category. Add the Form Data part to an empty area of the free-form surface.
9. Select the Form Data part. The Properties window now shows the Form Data part's properties.
10. Select the pagePart property. In the Value field, specify WebExampleInputPage.
11. Close the Properties window.
12. Make a connection from the Name Field attribute of the Form Data to the string attribute of the second Text part.
13. Save the part and select

to test it.
Last modified date: 07/30/2021