Opening Composition Editor
You can open the Composition Editor window by doing one of the following:
• On the Public Interface Editor or Script Editor window, do one of the following:
o Select
(Composition Editor) in the lower-right corner of the window.
o From the View menu, select Composition Editor.
• On an existing Composition Editor window, from the pop-up menu of a visual part on the free-form surface, select Edit part.
• On the System Transcipt window, evaluate the class name of the visual part. For an existing part, the syntax is:
• className editPart
For a new part, the syntax is:
superClassName editNewPart: 'className'
• On the Organizer, do one of the following:
o Create a new part by selecting New from the basic Parts menu or New > Part from the full Parts menu. Then, specify that you want a visual part or a nonvisual part.
o Open an existing part of an application by double-clicking on the name of the part in the Organizer.
Last modified date: 02/28/2018