Database programming guide
This part provides guidance and reference for programmers building database applications. The sections below outline the documentation for VA Smalltalk / VAST Platform database classes:
• Database basics
• Accessing database management systems
• Creating and deleting databases and tables
• Querying databases
• Base database reference
• ODBC database reference
• Oracle database reference
Running examples with SQLite
SQLite support is available on all VAST platforms. The SQLite runtime executables are also shipped with VAST and are included in every client installation. To get started with SQLite, install the ST: Database, SQLite feature.
If you would like to run the example code in this section of the document with SQLite, you need to create the SAMPLE database in a SQLite format before running them. The SAMPLE database setup code is included in the SQLite Testing feature. Follow these steps to create the database:
1. Install the ST: Database, SQLite Testing feature
2. Open a workspace and execute the following code snippet. This will create a SQLite database file named SAMPLE in the current working directory:
| connection |
connection := (AbtDatabaseConnectionSpec forDbmClass: AbtSQLiteDatabaseManager databaseName: 'SAMPLE') connect.
AbtSQLiteTestCase new createSampleDatabaseUsing: connection.
connection disconnect.
Last modified date: 02/27/2021